Chapter 10

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"So, we have reached." Elroy voiced out after stopping his car right in front of my house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door, not even bothering to say thanks to him after what he done just now morning.

I can't believe that he introduced me to his family that I'm his girlfriend. Now I have to act like one in front of his family. Yes, apparently his family heard my shouting and cursing last night. Well, it's not my fault that Elroy had itchy hands to roam all over my body. Argh, there is just so many reasons I hate him.

"Marilyn, I'm sorry." I could hear him closing his car door and ran towards me. I walked as fast as I could before he could even reached me on the doorstep. But what do you expect from Elroy? He's just one fast guy.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around, making another eye-contact. I violently pulled my hand away from his grip and turned my back to him. He doesn't stop. He does it again. He just don't give up, huh?

"What!" I bellowed at him once he turned me around. I'm just sick and tired of his bullshit.

"Just hear me out, okay!" He roared back at me. I could see his eyebrows creased, showing that he's frowning. I rolled my eyes and looked at his darkened eyes afterwards.

"What do you want to say? You have five minutes." I once started to count right after I said the last sentence to him. He took a deep breath before starting to talk to me.

"Look, Marilyn. I said before and I said it again. If I say I'm sorry multiple times to the same particular person, it means that I mean it."

"But you keep on doing that."

"Yeah, shut up. Let me talk." He rudely shut me off. I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and took both of my hands before continuing. He looked at me straight in the eye and said,

"I'm alone, Marilyn. You, Marilyn, are the one. The only one. That keeps me company. My mom and dad. Stepdad, to be exact. Both of them are rarely home. I kinda grew up by my own, with the help of my brother who is also rarely home because he already has a family. As for the other siblings, they just mind their own business. No one pays attention to me. Now, in Emerald high. God, everyone hates me. Except the girls. But you are not like the other girls. You're different and I love a girl that are different. You may heard that I just broke up. Yes, it's true. But she's like the same girls that I made out with or slept with."

He swallowed his saliva, taking a break from his 'speech'. He then started to tuck some of my hair behind my ear before he continued once more.

"You are special to me, Marilyn. And I want you to keep that in mind. I know it's just been a week since we met but... Ever since I met you, I feel like I finally found the rest of myself. The part of me I knew I would someday flow into, a part of me I knew was much more bigger than myself. I was a river and you were my ocean..." He trailed off. I could feel myself hardly to breathe. What is happening? I looked at the back. I found myself sandwiched between the door and Elroy. I then turned to look at him again. What is his point? Is he trying to say that he changed? But to me, he's not. But why is my heart is pumping real fast?!

"I'm ready to say those words to you but I think it's not the time yet." He said, pulling away from me. He lets go both of my hands and walked down the steps, walking towards his car. Why is my body acting really weird right now? My body is like telling me to run for him. God, I lose control.

"Elroy, wait." I shouted for him.

What am I doing?!

Elroy turned around and waited for me to speak up.

Just say that it's nothing, Marilyn... No, there's something.

I ran towards him and just like that, our bodies are hugged together. As for lips... Yeah, we kissed. I just kissed Elroy Grey. Our lips moved in a slow pace. I could feel that Elroy is kinda confused on why I'm kissing him because his lips are stiffed and his hands are somewhere except not my body. But he slowly melted. His hands started to place behind my back and bring me closer to his body, deepening the kiss. My hands are messing his gelled-up hair. He suddenly picked me up which makes my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. His hands are near my ass, preventing me from falling. I wrapped my arms around his neck while still exploring his mouth. As I need some air, I broke the kiss and looked at him. He placed his forehead against mine and breathe out, which could be feel against my mouth region. He chuckled and put me down.

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