Chapter 19

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"Could you stop that?" I beat Elroy's arm as he kept on trying to secretly snaked his arms around my waist when I'm trying to concentrate on buying the things needed for the homecoming dance. He chuckled and purposely picked me up, making me screamed and got all the people's attention at the store. I continuously beat Elroy's arms until he put me down.

"You seriously need a lesson." I angrily voiced out at him. He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I sighed and just walked as if nothing happened.

"Yeah, a lesson from you." I looked at him. He looked back at me, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and push his face with my hands.

"What lesson? There's nothing you can learn from me." I sticked out my tongue and turned my attention towards stuffs that are suitable to buy things for homecoming.

"You know, when you had a little catfight with Audrey. Are you jealous, Marilyn?" He teased me, started poking my arm. Couldn't help it, I punched his stomach hard, making him groaned. He looked at me with warning eyes. I just shrugged and walked around the shop, hoping that I can buy all the things as soon as possible and also hope that Elroy will stop disturbing me.

"So, it's true that you're jealous." Elroy said. Of course I am. Well, you are my boyfriend during that time so I have the right to be jealous. But hey, we broke up so his life has nothing to do with me.

"No. I'm not jealous and I don't care who you date or kiss or have sex with." I lied. I care about everything. Then, again. His life has nothing to do with me. He can do whatever he wants. No one is stopping him... Yet.

I took the basket that is full of decorations for the homecoming dance. This year's theme, I decided to have 'Hollywood' as the theme so all of us get to experience the red carpet. And it's been my dream to walk down the red carpet but of course, it will never happen.

I placed the basket in front of the cashier and waited for her to finish doing her work before I pay for my things. I noticed that Elroy is having that naughty mind again. He started smirking and gave the cashier, whom might be in her twenties, the flirty eyes which makes girls fall for it. The cashier also played along and shyly tucked in a strain of her hair behind her ear. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, showing that I'm waiting impatiently. The cashier, of course, doesn't care and continued to please Elroy.

Sick and tired of them both, I walked away from the scene and made Elroy pay for everything. I walked out of the store and have a little walk. I walked towards the boutique station of the mall to see the dresses. All of them looked beautiful but one of it caught my attention. I walked straight towards the window display and just stared at the beautiful, shiny pink dress.

"Hey, Marilyn. I'm sorry for what I did-" Elroy said after he found me. His sentence cut short after he realized that he didn't have my attention. My attention is still at the pink dress. It's just so elegant.

"You want that dress?" Elroy said. I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and took my hand, dragged me into the store. I looked at him, wide-eyed. He can't be serious. I beat his hand, stopping him.

"What now?" He said, annoyed.

"You sure? Because I just wear the dress that I have at home." I said, sounded worried. I don't want him to buy me this expensive dress for me. I'm not even his date. Well, he hadn't asked me.

"Yes, I'm sure." He assured me. Afterwards, he dragged me into the store again. He went straight to the helper and asked for the pink dress.

"Hi. Do you have a piece of that pink dress that you displayed there for this pretty girl?" Elroy pointed the direction of the dress. The helper smiled and nodded before going to the storeroom to get a new piece.

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