Chapter 17

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"Good morning, Justin." I said lazily by the time I reached the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards the fridge to take a carton of my favorite orange juice.

Yesterday, both me and Justin didn't attend to school because we were sending our mother to the airport. Thank god that we didn't go to school yesterday or else we have to face Elroy and Deborah after the devastating encounter last Friday.

"So, you need a ride?" Justin asked me after putting a bowl of cereal in front of me. As for me and Justin, we are now in good terms. During the weekends, we've been catching up by going to the movies and had lunch together. And didn't I tell you that he brought Ryan along?

"Love to." I answered him before taking a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

Suddenly, I heard the front door opened. I turned around to see who is it. It turned out to be Ryan. I automatically had a grin forming on my face. I put down my bowl of cereal and ran towards him, hugging him afterwards with my legs wrapping around his waist.

"Hey, Ry. What are you doing here?" Justin asked him. Ryan laughed and walked towards the kitchen, with me wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Well, I was bored and I have nowhere to go. So, I came here." He said before turning his attention at me. He gently put me down and hold my hand. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before starting a conversation with me.

"Well, are you feeling nervous?" He stroked my cheeks while asking me that question.

"A little. I'm scared that he's going to be mad and spread tons of rumors about me." Today, I decided to play with Elroy's feelings. I'm going to bring Ryan along to school and kinda cheated on him by making out with him or have some flirting moments with Ryan. No, this is not my idea. It is Justin's idea.

"Hey, you two. Save that moment for later. We have to go to school now or we are going to be late." Justin voiced out. He tossed me my jean jacket and rushed towards the front door. I put on my jacket and followed him behind.

"Justin, what about I drive her to school?" Ryan suggested.

"Yeah, good idea. See you soon, Ry." Justin replied back. He went into his car and drove off.

After a few minutes later, both of us reached my school. I looked down and played with my fingernails. Am I ready to make Elroy jealous? Oh god, what am I saying? I'm no longer his love interest. He even kissed my brother's girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. And I still don't forgive what she just did to my brother. On that Friday night, she called my brother and explained everything. It turned out that she was having an affair with Elroy even when Elroy is dating with me. Actually, they started to do that kind of stuff during the very first week since new semester starts. No wonder she had some uneasy feeling when I asked her on how she knew that me and Elroy were together for awhile. Because of that, Justin had no choice but to end his relationship with Deborah by saying that they're done and he hung up. But I support my brother because I would do the same thing.

My thoughts were disturbed after Ryan intertwined his hand with mine. I swallowed a gulp and looked at him, trying to tell him that everything is fine. He gave me an assured smile which constantly made me smile back at him.

"Are you okay, Marilyn?" He asked me with a concern voice. Am I even okay? I don't even know what I'm feeling. Playing with Elroy with my ex-boyfriend? Of course, I'm not okay. But I had to lie to Ryan.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling nervous, that's all." There, I lied.

"You don't have to be. You kissed me before and I'm your first kiss, remember? So it's going to be fine." He assured me by putting strands of my hair behind my ear. I half-smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the car door.

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