Chapter 4

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Today, I'm driving alone to school since Justin decided to pick Deborah up. Once I parked my car, I went out and locked it. Before I could walk, someone caught my eye - Elroy. He is parking beside me! And guess what... He's driving a sports car. To be specific, it's a fucking Lamborghini. It's been a dream to ride one of those but of course, it will never happen.

But inside his car, there's a girl and of course, they are making out. I rolled my eyes and walked away before he could see me. I went straight into the school building and into my locker. Once I opened my locker door, I took a deep breath trying to forget what I saw because it is disgusting.

I started to take out my schedule from my locker and to see what lessons do I have for today. Oh great, there's gym class. Didn't I tell you that I always get bullied by, especially, the cheerleaders? Yeah, it sucks ass.

I sighed and slammed my locker door. But someone just shocked me by the time I closed it. Elroy... Argh, he's so annoying. He was leaning against the lockers and had a stupid grin on his face.

"Good morning, Marilyn." He greeted. I fake-smiled at him and walked away. I could sense him chasing me, and I was right. He is chasing me. He walked beside me and purposely wrapped his arm around my waist. I groaned and pushed away his arm.

"Can you at least stop disturbing for once? There are other girls that are much more pretty looking than me. And guys like you will try to get their attention instead of mine." I voiced out as I couldn't handle his annoying behavior. He laughed and put both of his hands inside his jeans' pockets.

"Well, I just kissed a girl. And also, I had sex with one of the cheerleaders. She's one hell of a screamer." He admitted. I physically used my hands to close my ears as I had enough with his disgusting replies. His laugh gets louder. I growled and walked towards the school hall for morning assembly.

Ten minutes had past and the boring principal talk still continues. God, when will it end? He kept on talking about our grades and some different ways to achieve those grades. And didn't I mention that Elroy was sitting beside me the whole entire time? Yes, beside him is one of the slutty cheerleaders. And yes, they are kissing as if they are trying to eat themselves up. Annoyed, I decided to stop them.

"Can you guys stop kissing? It's making me uncomfortable." I bragged. Elroy eventually stopped the kiss and looked at me.

"How about I kiss you then?" He smirked, letting go of the cheerleader and get real close to me. I sighed and put the palm of my hand right in front of his face. I innocently smiled and replied, "no, thank you."

"Oh, come on. I know you want it badly." He intertwined one of his hands with my hand that I used. I shook it away vigorously and glared at him.

"Whatever. You go kiss your new friend while I try to find a new place to sit." I said, annoyed. I stood up and started to move. Before I could move, Elroy hold onto my wrist and dragged me down, making me sat on his lap. I gasped and beat his upper body. I struggled my way out but he already wrapped his arms around me.

"Please let me go." I begged him as I couldn't handle his tease. He, of course, loved this and started to play the hem of my shorts. God, please help me.

Suddenly, the principal stopped his talk and looked towards our direction with a scary glare.

"Elroy and Marilyn, is there a problem there?" He bellowed, shocking me. This is my first time getting caught from the principal... In front of the whole school!

"Nothing, Gary. Just have tons of fun here but you are stopping us." Elroy answered him back rudely. He called the principal by his first name again like yesterday. That, of course, will make Mr. Buch angry.

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