Chapter 20: Ending

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Right now, the homecoming dance is going on and I'm still busy at the reception, taking the attendance. Some of them are still taking their own sweet time, taking photos at the red carpet as if they are some celebrities. Well, I don't blame them because this only occurs once for their entire life, unless they want to be a famous actor or singer afterwards.

"Hey, when are you coming in to join the dance?" Elroy asked me, feeling impatient. I gave him unapologetic look and touched his cheek. He sighed and walked away, still feeling depressed as he still have to wait for me. I turned around to continue to do my work. As I turned, I was greeted by Ryan. He is just wearing a simple tuxedo and his hair is slicked back.

"Oh wow. Someone looks fancy today." I started to joke with him. He laughed and looked at my outfit.

"Well, I think someone is a little overdressed." He said, biting his lip afterwards to show that he is saying the truth. I looked down at my dress and looked back at him.

"Really?" I asked him, just to be sure. He chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"Nah. You look beautiful." He complimented me, looking straight into my eye. I looked down, blushing. He then used his hand to bring my face up. I stared at him. He has this look. The look that I used to fall for. But I have a date tonight. Because of that, I backed away, breaking the moment.

I cleared my throat and said, "well, you should go in now and get everyone's attention."

"Why? I'm not one of the nominees for homecoming king." He raised an eyebrow while tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Well, actually you are one of them. Good luck." I gave him a pat on his back. He just shook his head and walked in. I ticked his name on my clipboard and it showed that almost everyone have arrived. I stopped my work and went in to join in the party and also, do my duties to check whether everything is going great so far.

Once I went in, I already saw Elroy walking towards my direction. I smiled at him and waited for him to stand in front of me. By the time he stood in front of me, he grinned and hold onto my hands, making my heart beat faster than a usual. He then looked at me with his dreamy eyes, dragging me towards the middle of the dance floor. I just followed him as if I'm compelled by him.

He guided my arms to put around his neck and he puts his hands on my hips. We started swaying towards the coincident slow music. Both of us didn't talk but just stared into each other's eyes, waiting for any of us to start the first move. Well, he started first.

"I didn't know that you still have feelings for me." He joked. What? No. Do I? No, I don't.

"Don't say something nonsense. I don't have any feelings for you after what you did." I argued. He laughed and responded after he is done laughing.

"Lies. I can see it through your eyes, sweetheart. And your heart is crazy over me." It's true. My heart went crazy all of the sudden. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Who wouldn't? I must admit that he's really attractive and is almost my ideal boyfriend.

"Fine. You win. I do still have feelings for you. Happy now?" I admitted. He chuckled and leaned in close, trying to kiss me. But before he could do that, I quickly placed one of my hands on his lips, making him kissing my hand instead of my lips. He pulled away and looked at me, disappointed.

"What is bothering you now?" He asked me, sounded annoyed.

"Well, people are looking. My brother is in the crowd. Your ex-girlfriend is in the crowd-" Before I could continue to list down names of people in the crowd, he interrupted me.

"Okay, I don't give a shit about who is looking. And I don't take Audrey as my girlfriend." He glared at me. I bit my lip and looked down, making him turned soft. I heard him sigh and bring my face up so I faced him.

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