Chapter 14

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'RINGGGG!' The alarm clock blasted. My eyes shot opened. I groaned and my hand started to roam around the bedside table, trying to turn off the annoying alarm clock. Once I got the feeling that it is the alarm clock, I threw it across the room, knowing that it will break into multiple tiny pieces but I didn't care as I did this lots of times. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I turned on my phone and checked whether I have any messages or phone calls. Expected, I always have a similar message given by Elroy from yesterday night. He will text me that he's going to sleep or worst, giving grandfather's story about how his night went. But luckily he just texted:

"i no tat u're asleep. but i jus want 2 say tat u looked pretty 2nite and i would like 2 c tat more often."

I smiled at the text and replied him back:

"not gonna happen. :p"

I then looked at the clock stating right on top of my phone screen. It showed that it's exactly seven o'clock in the morning. You might wondering why I wake up this early. Well, I feel that I should start exercising more as I felt that I put on lots of weight by eating and keep on sleeping. Also, I didn't even do some physical activities last semester, even during gym class. So, I decided to change today.

I walked towards the bathroom and have a quick shower before changing to my running clothes. After showering, I opened my closet and took the clothes. I decided to wear long running pants and just a normal t-shirt for the upper body. I then put on my running shoes that I just bought and felt ready for a run.

I went downstairs and found my mother already preparing for breakfast in the kitchen. I skipped towards the kitchen and greeted my mother.

"Good morning, mom!" I exclaimed. She dropped the plates and it landed into the sink, leaving a loud sound. Thank goodness that the plates are not made of glass. She put her hands directly on her chest area and inhale heavily. After calming down, she glared at me and put her hands on both of her hips.

"Marilyn! I almost had a heart attack because of you!" She scolded me. I bit my lip, acting innocent.

"Sorry, mom. Anyways, how's work last night?" I changed the topic.

"Well, I have both good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" She said in a serious tone. Oh no, this will not turned out good.

"Bad news, I guess? So the good news can cover up." I walked towards the bar counter and rested my arms on top of the table.

"The bad news is that I have to travel to another country to work for almost two months." I looked at her with a straight face. Is she serious?

"Mom, that's not a bad news. Me and Justin experienced that every night." I talked back.

"But this time round, I won't be home 24/7 and leave some leftovers in the fridge." Oh yeah, she's right... But there's always an alternative way.

"I can order something or takeouts." I said the suggestions. She sighed and leaned against the refrigerator near her.

"Whatever, and the good news is that I'm getting promoted and have higher pay than now if I go and work overseas." She smiled after she's done telling the good news. That's great! So she has more money to support the three of us while father is still serving the country.

"That's good, mom. I'm really proud of you." I walked towards her and gave her a hug. She laughed and hugged me back, rubbing my back.

"That's not it." She voiced out. I let go and looked at her. There is more?

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.

"If I get promoted, my boss is giving us free tickets to anywhere we want to go for one week holiday." She excitedly explained to me. I looked at her with wide eyes. Without warning, I screamed in delight. I then grabbed her hands and started jumping around. She also joined in, laughing.

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