Chapter 12

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Right now I'm walking home since I didn't drive my car to school this morning due to Elroy picking me up. Elroy wanted to drive me home and tried to start all over again but I resist. So, because of that, I have to walk home.

Cars drove past me in lightning speed. And didn't I tell you it's raining... Heavily? Thunder and lightning are everywhere. I, over here, getting helpless as I didn't bring my umbrella and just keep on pulling my jacket tighter so I could get warm but no. I'm still cold. My mouth is trembling. My legs and hands are all jelly-like. God, I wish I had my car right now.

Suddenly, I heard a horn behind me, stopping my daydream. I looked behind. Argh, why does he kept following me wherever I go? I rolled my eyes and walked faster but obviously, he can catch me up with his stupid Lamborghini.

He rolled down his window and started yelling at me so that I could hear him. I tried to ignore him but he is still on my tail. Argh, just go already!

"Hey! Come on in! You are going to be sick again!" There he goes, being all caring and all.

"No, leave me alone!" And from there, I was distant away from Elroy's car. I guessed he's not following me anymore. I tightened my grip. It's just getting colder. I sighed. I should have not rejected Elroy. Wait, what? I should actually for what he done to me.

Suddenly, I could feel someone wrapping his arm around my waist. Shocked, I screamed for help but came out muffled as whoever he is covered my mouth, making me unable to talk. I then could feel that I'm getting closer to him. I bit his finger and it worked. The culprit shouted. I looked at the back, ready to give the culprit a tight slap. But that culprit turned out to be Elroy. I breathed out. You know what, I give up. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk with my hands inside my short jeans' pockets.

"Babe..." Elroy called out. I continued to walk, doesn't care about him anymore.

"You can't ignore me forever, you know!" He continued. Who said I can't? It's possible. Everything is possible when it comes to hating Elroy.

"Marilyn, come on! Enough being a little girl. You're in high school not elementary school!" He continued to talk back at me. Had enough, I looked behind and started to argue with him... Again.

"Are you trying to say that I'm childish? Think about yourself, dipshit."

"What's with you, calling me names? I'm trying to be fucking nice to you and you're giving me attitude. Are you fucking kidding me, Marilyn? I'm trying my best to make our relationship strong but no, you're making it weaker!" He retorted. His eyebrows are creased together as if it can leave a mark. His hands clenched into fists. I guessed he's pretty angry then.

"There is no relationship between the two of us. We are not even official. We don't go on real dates. We keep on arguing. There is just no chemistry between the both of us. Every time I keep on trying to forget that you exist!" Ouch. That kinda hurt him a little but I don't care. It's true! Every time I see him, it hurts me. And I don't know why.

"Give me one good reason on why are you trying to forget me. I'm a fucking bad person to you?" By the time he asked that question, the rain is getting heavier. And we are fighting under the rain... Nice.

"Well, I don't know!" I can't tell him the truth.

"There must be something. Every word you said has a reason to it. So say it!"

"It's just that whenever I see you, it hurts everytime. I kept on thinking whether we are together or not. Maybe you are going to cheat on me. I don't know. Anything can happen. And that anything is a bad thing." There, I said it. He should be satisfied by now. If he's not, I have no more words to say.

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