Chapter 11

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"Here's the project, Miss... Whatever your name is." Elroy stood up and walked towards the front desk. Yes, today is the due date of our project and also the end of Elroy's one week suspension.

For the past few days right after, you know, kissing him, he has been acting weirdly lately. But in a good way. He has been buying me lunch secretly in school, doing the geography project with me, sneaked into my room almost everyday and send me home from school everyday. It's very sweet of him for doing that but it's just weird. Now I know why girls like him. It is because he treated the girls very well.

"Manners, young man. You're lucky that you just came back from suspension or else, heavy discipline is given to you." Miss Betty waned him. He just smirked and walked back to his seat, which is just right beside me. Afterwards, Miss Betty started on a new chapter.

As I was writing down notes, Elroy kept on leaning close to me. I groaned and slammed my pencil on the table, looking at him. He innocently smiled at me and gave me a quick peck. He then looked front as if nothing happened, leaving me stunned with my wide eyes. Did anyone saw us do that? I hope not.

I took my pencil and continued to write down notes. I then talked to Elroy while writing down notes, pretending that I'm paying attention.

"What was that for?" I whispered. I heard him chuckled and leaned closer again towards my ear.

"Well, I was bored." Expected answer. I rolled my eyes, annoyed of him as he kept on doing that.

"What if someone saw us did that? My best friend is just sitting in front!" Speaking of best friend, Deborah and Justin still does not know that me and Elroy are kinda in a relationship. I don't even know whether we are official. We don't go on real dates, we argued over small things a lot and I still hate him.

"Marilyn, baby. We are the only ones at the back. Who in the world looks at the back without any reason?" He sneakily put his arm around my waist, making me jerk. I glared at him and beat his hand, leaving an echo. Oh shit. I quickly took my pencil and looked front, trying to pretend nothing happened.

Of course, everyone is looking at us. I just held my head up high to avoid suspicion. As for Elroy, he just took a gum and put it in his mouth. I must say that both of us are good at acting and it's a good thing!

"Is there a problem at the back?" Miss Betty voiced out, shocked me a little. I just shook my head and looked down. Well, Elroy is the opposite.

"No, we don't. Just continue the lesson and don't care about us. Just pretend that I didn't exist in this class." He said, purposely putting his legs up on his table. I sighed and just shook my head due to his behavior. And this is one of the reasons that I hate him.

"Well, I couldn't because I don't tolerate students who has lack of respect towards the teacher. Now, put your legs down and don't delay my lesson or else, extra lesson for only you two." Wait, what?! Extra lesson? Only me and him. Oh god. Elroy, please just put your legs down and don't make anymore trouble.

But, no...

"Love to, Betty." He sarcastically said it. I physically face-palmed myself and everyone in the class looked at me. Well, that is embarrassing.

"Okay, I'll meet both of you straight after school." Miss Betty confirmed before moving on. I swallowed my saliva, trying to control my anger. I glared at Elroy and he just shrugged at me.

"What's with the face, princess?" He crossed his arms and leaned back.

"Really? Extra lesson?! With you?" I whisperly shouted at him.

"It's going to be fun. We can have the school to ourselves since they cancelled all events today."

"I have things to do at home, Elroy. Argh, I hate you!" From there, I didn't even looked at his face. He started to stroke my back, trying to comfort me but I pushed his hand away. I continued to write on my notepad but much more vigorously, feeling so stressed out. I can't believe I just kissed someone that I hate.


I walked up to my locker and turned the combination to unlock my locker. I put all my stuffs inside except for geography related stuffs because of me having extra lesson with the most annoying guy known as Elroy Grey.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked to see who is coming towards me and it turned out to be Elroy. I groaned and slammed my locker, getting away from there. Since geography class, I've been ignoring him and try to avoid any conversation with him. He tried to talk to me but I only give him short answers like 'yes', 'okay' or 'no'. But mostly, I just shrugged.

"Marilyn, wait." He called out really loud, leaving an echo around the empty hallway. I sighed and turned around to face him.

"If you're gonna say sorry again, I'm over it." I spoke up before he could open his mouth. After saying that, his mouth is closed shut.

"Then what am I supposed to say?"

"Just shut up. Next time, stop acting as if you're some cool kid, trying to be the boss over teachers." I bellowed at him. I'm just too angry with his stupid actions. Because of his mouth, I always have to suffer, together with him.

"That's who I am, Marilyn. You can't change me!" He shouted back. Wait. What did he say?

"You can't change me?" I quote from him before continuing, "last time I checked which is last week, you said that I changed you. I made you happy... Blah blah blah! Now what is this? You are such a liar!"

"Well, I thought wrong about you then. You are just like other girls. Need attention..."

"Need attention? What I know now is that YOU are the one that needs attention from people! You said you were lonely. So, I'm here for you. Now, you just forget about it and push it away."

"Yes, I'm lonely but I don't need anyone's pity! You're the one that does the first move. You kissed me, not I kissed you."

"So what if I kissed you? I thought you want it. You need it. I still remember that you want to say the three precious words but then you said it's not the perfect timing yet."

"So what?"

"So, next time, don't play with girls' hearts. We are not a toy!" Had enough, I stomped off and go straight to the classroom. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I wiped it away. Why would I cry over this small matters? This is stupid.

While I was walking towards the classroom, I heard Elroy loudly swears and maybe punched on a locker. It was really loud that leaves me a shock but I don't dare to look back because I know that his face is scary and will be unpleasant to see. I sighed, I can't believe that I just have a major fight with Elroy based on our 'relationship'.

Yay! Another chapter! Sorry if it's really short and boring. I promised you that the next chapter will be intense. So, like a usual, make sure y'all comment and vote. Also, follow me if you haven't :)



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