Chapter 18

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"Hey, can you stop crying?" Elroy comforted me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder, rubbing my arms. I hugged him and kept on crying, leaving tears on his t-shirt.

"Ho-how am... I gon-" I stammered in between my cries. He shushed me and hugged me tight. I feel homed whenever I'm with him despite the things he do.

"Alright, shhh. Cry all you want." He said as if he gave up on me. Right now, me and Elroy are on the school's rooftop. Those might be wondering... Since when me and Elroy are in 'good terms'? Well, we were after Elroy saved me from the public humiliation caused by Audrey during lunch time.


"So, what do you want for lunch?" Justin asked me while both of us were walking towards the cafeteria.

"I'm just gonna take the usual." I answered him as if I'm not in the mood. Ever since yesterday's incident, I feel different. I didn't see Elroy anywhere. He's not in class. He didn't even attend football practice. And because of that, I feel that I'm responsible for that.

My brother opened the cafeteria door for me. I thanked him and went in first. But the atmosphere was not I expected. Everyone's eyes were glued to their phone screens, reading whatever was in there. I just stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded.

Justin stood beside me, also looking confused. He looked around before voicing out.

"Well, looks like everyone is obsessed as if they were just born a minute ago." My brother joked. I giggled and walked towards our usual table. Justin just followed me behind. As I was walking, everyone started to stare at me as if I did something wrong at them. I awkwardly looked down and quickly get to our table.

"Is there something on my hair?" I asked my brother once we settled down. I asked him that question because I'm still confused on why everyone is looking at me. Most of them were glaring at me as if I did something wrong with them even though I don't know them.

"No, there is nothing wrong with your hair." He said. He then took out his phone. I sighed.

"Are you going to be like one of them?" I groaned at him. He chuckled and continued to stroll his phone screen.

"No, I'm just trying to see what makes them caught their attention." He explained. I just nodded and sat closer to Justin so that I could see the article.

The headline of the article states:

Marilyn Torres just caused a fight between her own brother and his girlfriend. She's also becoming the school's number one slüt for kissing two guys at the same time...

I clenched my jaw. I swallowed my saliva, trying to control my anger. Who the hell would do this? And this 'article' is posted at a secret website which they said bunch of mean things to us even though it's fake.

"Okay, first of all. I didn't caused the fight between you two because Elroy did that. Secondly, how am I a slüt? I haven't even slept with Ryan or Elroy... yet." I roared quietly as I didn't want the whole cafeteria to hear. My brother sighed and squeezed his temples.

"This is like some Gossip Girl shit." He joked again. I beat his arm and crossed my arms, feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time. Everyone is looking at me. I'm over here, defenseless. Only one major question is in my head - who the hell did this? Of course... That one guy I hate, Elroy Grey.

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