Chapter 8

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"Elroy?" I approached him. He was sitting alone outside in the balcony, admiring the beautiful city landscapes.

"The takeouts are here." He said in a cold voice. He then patted on the chair beside him, asking me to sit. I slowly walked towards him and took a seat. I opened the bag and see what he bought for my dinner. It turned out to be one of my favorites for Chinese - wanton noodles.

"Thanks for buying me this. It's my favorite." I spoke out, taking the first bite of a wanton.

"I'm gonna put that on the list then." He chuckled, admiring the scenery. I looked at him, dumbfounded. Putting that on the list?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him, still couldn't figure out what he means by that.

"For our next date." He flirts. I laughed at his answer. Is he serious? We didn't even go out for a date. Such a joker.

"We didn't even go out for a date. Also, there will be no date between the both of us." I replied with sass. He smirked and moved in closer to me.

"Maybe there will be a date, in a few months time." He whispered in my ear which tickles me due to the cold air he breathe out. I had to admit that tonight is indeed a cooling night but it helped refreshing my mind after all that happened during the party.

"Not gonna happen and that's a promise." I still rejected him. He put his hands up, showing that he surrendered.

"Alright then, 'girl that can see the future'. But if you break that promise, you owe me something."

"And what is the something?" I raised an eyebrow and stared at him. He bit his lip, maybe thinking on what he should punish me if I break that promise.

After a few seconds of thinking, he voiced out. "You have to... Make my day the best day of my life."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Maybe a kiss or an intense make out or better, sex." Okay, he's thinking something bad. He looked at me with his flirty look. I pretend to make a throw up sound and pushed his face away from me.

"I must keep that promise. God help me." I sighed. Why must I make that promise in the first place? But something came on my mind.

"What if I succeed? We'll see how long this promise goes until homecoming week."

"Okay, I accept the challenge. So, now tell me. What's my punishment if you succeed, which will never happen." He asked me with an excited and impatient tone. Now it's my turn to think for a long while. I drummed my fingers on the counter. What should I punish him? This is hard.

I then snapped my fingers once I got my idea for his punishment on my mind. I smiled devilishly and said, "I dare you to apologize to every girl that you kissed, made out or had sex with and tell them that you cheated on them."

"No can do! Do you know how many girls I have to apologize to?" He looked at me, shocked.

"Then the challenge is closed. So I don't need to worry that I break the promise." I stocked out my tongue at him. He groaned and took a sip of his bottle of beer.

"Fine, I do it. And did I hear that you will break the promise?" There he goes again. The biggest flirter known as Elroy Grey.

"Still, I will not go on a date with you or be your girlfriend. Besides, I'm not the type that guys like you want." It's true. Bad boys hate nerdy girls. Yes, I admit that I'm a nerd.

"Who says so. I once dated a nerd that now becomes a player because she was influenced by me." His eyes looked straight in the eyes, showing me that he is truthful about it.

"But still, all guys chased after cheerleaders. I'm not in a cheerleading squad. I'm just an ordinary hip hop dancer." I told him the truth. Suddenly, I heard him laughed. I looked at him, confused. Did I say something wrong? What's wrong being a hip hop dancer? We won championships, okay!

"Are you kidding me? I thought you were in the squad. Oh my god, I thought wrong then." He said in between his laughs. I, annoyed, got up from the seat and stomped back in.

"Hey, Marilyn! I'm kidding... Not!" Okay, he's such a jerk. Yup, I just said it. A freaking jerk.

"Fuck you. I don't wanna talk to you anymore." I bellowed at him before I went back in with my delicious Chinese food.

As soon as I wanted to go upstairs, I was stopped by none other than the guy that I don't want to talk to right now, Elroy. I flinched so that I lose his grip. I continued to walk up, to my guest room and slammed the door behind me. I put the Chinese food on the bedside table and turned on the television. I tuned in to MTV and blasted the volume up, trying to clear up my mind. He already did that, not once but twice. No way that I keep on forgiving him. I'm here, in his house, because of him forgiving me. But looks like he's not to me. I said it once and I said it again, he's such a jerk.

My heart skipped a beat right after I heard a knock on the door. I growled and shouted, "go away! I don't want to see you."

There's a silence but I know he is still there. "Please, Marilyn. I'm sorry that I acted that way."

"You keep on saying sorry to me and keep on asking me for forgiveness. I'm done with that shit. Now, leave me alone and stay away from me!" I let out my anger that leaves an echo around the room. I guessed I was that loud, huh.

"Come on, Marilyn. Fine, I will ignore you but please just forgive me this once." He begged, still continue knocking on the door. I stared at the door for a moment. I sighed and walked towards it. Argh, why am I such a forgiver?

I opened the door and glared at him as if I'm a ghost just staring at him, scaring him. He innocently smiled at me and took my hands. I rolled my eyes and pulled back. No way that I'm falling for his games. I held onto the door, ready to close the door.

"Now that I already forgive you, please ignore me for the night so that no more problems built up between you and me." I said politely before closing the door. As I was about to close it, Elroy held onto the door and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"When I say I'm sorry many times to that particular person, it means that I'm truthful about it. And you are one of the girls, Marilyn besides my mom and my siblings." He kept quiet and continued looking at my eyes as if he's searching for something. He then continued, "have a good night, Marilyn. If you need anything in the middle of the night, my room is just next door."

He gently closed the door and I heard his footsteps fading away. I leaned my back against the door and slide down. I took a deep breath and let it out. Well, that was unexpected. Did he really mean it... Or is it just one of his plans to make me break the promise so that he can win the challenge?

Hey guys! So sorry that it is a very short chapter because this week is my exam week so I need to focus more on my studies. But I can't let my readers down as well. So here's a very short chapter for you guys. Make sure y'all vote and comment. I promise you that the next chapter is going to be a long one :)

Nora :*

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