Chapter 3

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"Is that guy still disturbing you?" Justin asked me while I'm walking around the bookstore to buy some materials for the stupid project. I must keep this in mind that I'm working alone instead of working together with Elroy.

"What do you think?" I asked him back. He looked at me for a second and sighed.

"Yes..." He trailed off. I nodded as it is the right answer. I walked towards the last shelves where it provide tons of coloured papers and big board, just suitable for a project. Justin decided to stay with Deborah who is busy choosing a novel to buy. Yes, Deborah decided to follow us and she's also a secret bookworm.

By the time I reached the last shelves, I stopped on my tracks as I didn't expect to see it coming. I gasped and quickly covered my mouth with both of my hands to prevent them hearing me. But it's took late. The couple broke their make-out session and looked at me.

You got to be kidding me.

Of course, it's the guy that I hate by the name of Elroy. I groaned, feeling annoyed. Why do I always see him? Can he just stay away from me? Don't tell me he's buying the project materials...

"Oh hey, Not Interested." He smiled at me, ignoring the girl he just kissed. For your information, it's a different girl that he kissed... Not the one in geography class. She's one of the staffs here. All of her clothes were wrinkled... Ew. What a player.

I fake-smiled at him and left that place that is infected with their salivas. Argh, just ew. I went to the book station and saw both Justin and Deborah are there. I quickly walked towards their direction.

"You're back." Deborah started off. Justin looked at me with a confused look. I know he's going to ask why I never take any board or coloured papers for the project.

"Marilyn, why you didn't take any papers for the project?" I bit my lip. I don't want to tell him that he's here. I quickly made up a lie and answered him.

"Well, I have some at home." I smiled afterwards, not to show that I'm lying. But Deborah was clever.

"Don't lie, Marilyn. Something is bothering you. Just tell us." Here goes Deborah being like a mother. A good mother. I sighed and told them.

"Elroy is here. Don't ask me why because I don't know."

"I think we should buy this stuff as fast as we can because I don't want any fight involved here between you and him." Deborah sounded with a panicked voice. We nodded in agreement and went to the counter to pay my project materials.

Right now, I'm in my own car as my brother and Deborah decided to go somewhere. My car isn't all fancy like my brother's. He has a convertible car but I have a Volkswagen Beetle. Well, at least I have a car to move everywhere I want and I'm thankful for that.

I unlocked the front door to our house. I opened it and the house was empty. I went into the kitchen expecting whether my mother is there. No, see not there. But an expected letter is there. A letter to tell that she won't be home until tomorrow:

Mom will not be able to come home tonight. I had a lot of things to stack up and working overtime. So don't wait up for me. - Your Beloved Mom.

Like a usual. I sighed and crushed the note afterwards. Those wondering, what does my mother work as? Well, she's just working at a factory that stack up boxes that will be send to the cargo plane. She always has to work at night due to some of her workmates had to take care of their children which is twelve years old and below. So she had no choice but to work in night shift so that she can gain money for the three of us since my father is away.

I went upstairs right after I threw away the note. I walked straight into my bedroom and tossed the things that I've bought on the floor. Since I have no other homework, I guessed I'm doing the project today. Or at least get a quarter of the project done.

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