Chapter 6

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There it stands above me, a vastness one can only imagine of what lies beyond, with it's whimsical clouds in a partial canopy, playing hide and seek with the sun. Pools of sunshine streamed through, leaving a heavenly glow below... this noisy rooftop party.

"You didn't tell me it's a rooftop party!" I shouted at Elroy as the music is too loud. Yes, it's a rooftop party and I didn't know that until I saw the open skies. It's beautiful, I must say.

We had just arrived at this insane party. Yes, I have to admit this party is insane. This party has its own bar, it's own DJ player and also, a freaking dance floor. Seriously, don't these cost lots of money? And didn't this party can draw attention to the neighbors around us... And also, cops? But no one cares here. All of them are having fun.

"Remember to stick with me the whole time. You don't want to mess around with my friends." Elroy warned me since we are in his car. I, of course, asked him why due to my curiosity and he said that his friends are different than him. All of them are party animals and would party all night, having one night stands and whatsoever. If someone wanted to pick a fight with his friends, let's just get ready to pay the hospital bills.

"So, where is the person that start all this party?" I asked Elroy. I looked at him and he seemed to be looking for him as well.

"I don't know. Come on." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to follow him to find his friend. But I stopped and hold onto his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows and glare at him. I unwrapped his arm and pushed it to his side violently.

"Seriously, what's your problem? I brought you to a party to calm your mind but no. You still want to mess with me. Is your brain alright, Marilyn?" Elroy voiced out with a high voice. His voice was also hoarse. I guessed he is annoyed by me. But I'm the one that is supposed to be annoyed.

"I'm not going to let you put your arm around me. I'm not your girlfriend so put your arm beside you at all times!" I fought back, crossing my arms afterwards. He sighed and put his hands into his pocket.

"If you're lost, don't call me to get you. I'm holding you to prevent that shit to happen." He said in a warning voice. He then started to walk away slowly, leaving me alone. I just stood rooted to the ground, thinking what should I do next. I sighed and reached out for his hand.

"Okay, okay. You can do that but just for tonight!" I groaned, giving up on him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me once more. We squeezed in through the crowd that were busy dancing. Some of them we holding a bottle of beer and drips of beer started pouring, getting onto me. I looked at them on disgust and wiped the disgusting water away.

"Hey, Elroy!" I heard someone calling out for him. It sounded more feminine. I looked at the person's direction. Yup, it's a girl. She appeared to be happy. There's a big grin on her face as if she's in cloud nine. Elroy slowly get rid of me and greeted her back with a hug.

"Hi, Lola. It's been so long since I've met ya. What's up?"

"Humph, nothing much. Forbes High is still the same except that our football team keep on losing. I guessed the Tigers need their former quarterback." She smiled and started to touch his upper body when she said about needing the former quarterback. I guessed Elroy was from Forbes High and he's the football captain. That's good for him. But right now, I'm uncomfortable due to this Lola girl keep on trying to flirt with him. But was stopped right after Elroy holds both of her hands and put it to her side. I guessed he knows that I'm uncomfortable.

"Don't do that. Anyways, meet my partner for tonight. Her name's Marilyn. Marilyn, Lola." He introduced us to each other. Okay, this is awkward.

"Hey..." I greeted shyly. I could see that she's uncomfortable as well due to her weird smile.

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