Chapter 2

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It's just half a day and this Elroy guy already driving me nuts. Apparently, he had the exact same schedule as me and of course, every single period, I have to sit beside him due to my straight 'A's grade. It's just the first day of a new semester and all goes downhill.

Right now is lunchtime. I normally will sit with Justin and Deborah. Sometimes, alone if they wanted to hang out with another friends of theirs. But today, they decided to sit with me. I always booked a table first and waited for them to arrive before queuing up for food. Within that few minutes of waiting, I've always do my homework that my previous teachers gave me so that at home, I'm free.

"Hey, Marilyn!" Deborah called out. I turned around from where she is. Of course, she is with my brother. I waved at them and asked them to come faster. So they did.

"Hi, lovebirds." I greeted them. Justin gave me a warning look but I just sticked out my tongue at him. He rolled his eyes and took a seat. Same goes Deborah.

"My baby sister... Always being a good girl. Doing homework. Submitting them in time." Justin started to blabber. I raised an eyebrow and threw my pencil at him. He laughed and threw the pencil back at me.

"Whatever. I'm going to get some food." I excused myself before my brother goes further. Then, I saw Deborah stood up too.

"I wanna follow." She said, walking up towards me. I just shrugged and walked towards the long queue. Argh, luckily our lunch break is an hour.

"What makes you want to follow me?" I curiously asked Deborah because she rarely follow me to buy food. But when her curiosity came in, she decided to follow me and started gossiping about what's happening in school.

"Well, I want to know more about you and that guy. You know, your partner for every single class." She winked by the time she finished talking. And she also emphasized on the word, "partner".

"Are you serious? Me and him are nothing. I hate him. His attitude sucks and he is a pain in my ass." It's true. I already hate him since I stepped into the principal's office.

"But he always so loving to you. Maybe he might have a crush on you." She continued to try to ship me with Elroy. Once I see his attitude like shit, I already lose interest in him.

"That is total bullshit, Deborah." I said, feeling annoyed. I ordered my food, together with Deborah's and Justin's. As I was about to finish paying, someone bumped into me. Of course, it's Elroy.

"Hey, Not Interested. Could you buy me lunch? I'm hungry and I don't wait in a very long queue." He asked me, without shame. Is he serious? He just cut the line and asking me to buy food! Argh, he's just so annoying. Even in class, he always asked me to do his work. I obviously rejected him and let him do on his own.

"No. You already cut the queue and now, you buy on your own. I'm not your mother to do all this crap for you." I said, taking my food and walked away. Deborah followed me and then looked at me with a wryly smirk. I raised an eyebrow and asked her why she gave me that look.

"Why the look?" I placed down the tray of my lunch food and took a seat. Justin had called out some of his friends to eat with us which takes up a lot of space. But I don't mind because they are also friends of mine. Or maybe, acquaintances.

"Stop lying, Marilyn. You and that new guy had a thing!" Oh my god, why does she always think that way?

"What guy?" Justin, together with his friends, asked her with a concern look. I giggled and took a bite of my curly fries. Suddenly, one of Justin's friends, Jason, sat beside me and wrapped his arms around my neck. Funny fact - he once had a crush on me until he knew that I'm related to Justin. And, he's also a teaser.

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