Chapter 15

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"Are you sure that you-"

"Yes, I'm sure." Elroy answered me with an annoyed tone. Ever since he had a faced-off with Ryan, he didn't even talk to me. He just stayed in his temporary room, playing with his electronic devices.

I was about to invite him again to the dinner with Ryan's family but he was totally sure that he doesn't want to join in. I sighed and closed his door, doesn't want to disturb him again. What have I done? I feel that I'm the most selfish person in the world. Well, I don't even know that my relationship with Elroy is official. Elroy said it is but for me, it's complicated. As for my relationship with Ryan, I guess I do have feelings for him but I know that Ryan has move on... Or has he?

Surprisingly, my brother still doesn't know that Elroy is living here for the night since he's too busy talking to Deborah the whole day. Also, he didn't even bother to be anywhere but his own room.

Out of the blue, the doorbell rang. Of course, that must be Ryan's family. I looked at my reflection in the mirror to see whether I looked good. Tonight, I decided to wear simple red, lace dress and just a pair of flats with ankle straps. As for the hair, well, just a simple ponytail will do.

Without further ado, I rushed towards the door and opened it. I was greeted with huge grins by Ryan and his family. I smiled and invited them in. I then lead them to the dining room which the table is full of delicious food. God, it's been so long since my mother cooked this kind of food. Main course, appetizers, desserts, and many more. It just leaves my mouth watery.

Ryan suddenly came towards me and pulled a chair for me. I thanked him and sat down. He then sat beside me while his parents are sitting opposite us. My mother sat beside me while Justin sat beside Ryan.

"Thank you so much for inviting us dinner, Vickie. It's been so long since we have this kind of bonding time." Ryan's mother spoke out. My mother, of course, started to be noisy and become too friendly.

"It's my pleasure, Meredith. Also, Ryan and Marilyn has a lot of catch up to do." And of course, she must bring up my name together with his name in the same sentence. I just smiled and ate my food, didn't bother to look at Ryan even though I caught him staring at me.

"You're right. Anyways, Justin. How's your relationship with Deborah? Still going strong?" Ryan's father then joined in the conversation. Justin put down his cutlery and looked at Ryan's father. Yes, he is much more better than me when it comes to table manners.

"Still going strong, sir. Maybe I'm bringing her for homecoming next week." He replied politely. Of course, he will.

"So, Marilyn. What about you? Who is going to be your partner next week?"

I stopped eating and stared at Ryan's father, Mr. Davis. Obviously, I'm going to homecoming with Elroy but Ryan is just sitting beside me. If I didn't say Ryan, Ryan will be disappointed. Same goes to the rest because they have high expectations that me and Ryan are going to be together again. I just sat there and shrugged before answering.

"Actually, I don't know yet. So, maybe I don't have anyone to accompany me to the dance." It's true. Somewhat true.

"You have me." Ryan voiced out, making me turned my attention to him. He stared into my eyes as if he wanted to be my date so bad. I half-smiled and looked back at my food. God, Ryan is actually much more good-looking right after he left high school. Tonight, he's wearing a pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. For shoes, he is just wearing a pair of black sneakers.

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