Chapter 16

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"Mom, where's Justin?" I asked my mother by the time I walked towards the kitchen.

"He went off early. And if you're asking about Elroy, he moved out yesterday night." She said, spreading some peanut butter on the bread. I sighed and sat down on the bar stool. There's an awkward silence until my mother decided to start a conversation with me.

"What happened last night, Marilyn?" She asked with a stern voice. In that tone, I know that she's serious and is not in a mood to fool around. I guessed I have to tell her the truth about what happened last night.

"I... I kissed Ryan." I muttered but loud enough for my mother to hear me.

"That's not all. Tell me more, Marilyn." She convinced. I bit my lip and try my best not to break down. Last night, I couldn't get any peaceful sleep. I was crying so much that my eyes were puffy and there were no longer any tears being able to flow. It's just the worst thing that happened in my whole entire life.

"Well, Elroy saw it. I don't even know why he is going to the kitchen in the first place. And, urm..." I paused for a while. But stay silent for so long.

"Spit it out, sweetie." My mother continued to convince me. I sighed and leaned against the stool.

"Justin just know that I'm in a relationship with Elroy." I bit my lip right after I said that sentence. I wanted to cry so bad but that just make me much more weaker. So I suck it up and waited for my mother's response.

"You should have told Justin in the first place." She voiced out.

"Well, I didn't tell him because I hated Elroy that time. But suddenly along the way, I somehow liked Elroy." I swallowed my saliva afterwards, feeling uncomfortable as I have to explain everything to my mother.

"And that's where the problems start to develop." Her voice came out hoarse. I sighed. Feeling that I don't want this conversation to go on, I started to cut the conversation short.

"You know what, mom. I'm not in a mood to talk about this in the first place. And I'm late for school. Talk to you later, mom." I said and walked towards the front door without saying goodbye or even bother to hug her. And this is my very first time that I did that.

Finally, I stepped onto the school's hallway after a long walk to school as I have no one to give me a ride. My brother is angry with me. Elroy is angry with me. And I have no car... So, I must say this is a good cardio.

I walked towards my locker and just hoped that Elroy is not there as his locker is just right next to mine. And guess what, he is there. But, he has a company. A girl... And she is kinda my enemy when me and Ryan started dating.

Background about this girl. Her name is Audrey and she is currently the school's head cheerleader. Me and her are enemies because she once had a crush on Ryan. But Ryan hates her. Who doesn't hate her? I mean look at her. She's kissing my boyfriend. She has a suckish attitude. She's lazy and always focus on cheerleading instead of studying. Yes, she's popular of course. And loves to pick on nerds to mess with. So, moving on.

I walked towards my locker and tried my best to not look at them trying to eat themselves up. Yes, I'm a little jealous but he deserved a break from me because I kinda cheated on him. And I regret ever since.

I opened my locker door and took the stuff that I need for today's schedule. I looked through my calendar and it turned out that I have an event today which is decorating for the homecoming dance that is going to be held next week. I sighed. Today really is going to be a long day.

Once I closed my locker door, I was surprised by Elroy leaning against his locker and looked at me with his flirty eyes. Argh, what does he want now?

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