Chapter 9

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"Marilyn... Marilyn, wake up." The similar male  voice ringing in my head. I could feel him shaking me, trying to wake me up. He called my name once more, "Marilyn..."

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the culprit that had disturbed my beauty sleep. I looked at him closely. Father? What is he doing here? Isn't he in the military base? I looked around. What the hell am I? Right now, I'm just beside a huge, magnificent fountain that are splashing crystal waters at me. I stood up and walked around, dumbfounded with my father following me from behind. 

I looked down to see what I'm wearing. A dress. It is not any other dress that I wore. This is the dress that my father bought for me for the annual Father-Daughter Dance last year. And this is also one of my favourite dress as well. Not because that it's beautiful, it is because that it's my first time that my father bought me something expensive. Because of that, I'm blessed that my father is able to buy me this dress for the annual event that the military always held. 

"Daddy, since when you're here? I thought you couldn't make it for this year's dance." I asked my father. He smiled and walked closer to me. He put both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Well, the schedule changed and fortunately, I can meet my little angel tonight." He soothed my hair as he spoke. 

"Then, have you meet Justin and mom? They missed you." It's true, especially Justin. Justin and my father were really close to each other. Last time, when my father's military schedule isn't that busy, my father will always surprised with him, going to Justin's football match which will let Justin's tears to flow down everytime and it is indeed lovely to see.

"Yes, I did. And of course, Justin is being a little baby, crying when he saw me just now." He teased. I laughed. Typical Justin. Act tough, but when my father came back, he turned into a five year old boy.

"Now, enough talking. Let's dance, princess." He let out his hand and acted as a prince asking for the princess to dance with him. I giggled at his actions and took his hand, accepting his dance invitation.

I placed my right hand on my father's left shoulder while holding onto his hand. Even though there's no music, we could feel there's a rhythm in our dance steps. For three years, we've been doing this. And I have to admit that this is one of the favourite things that i do with my father. It's worth the wait for my father to come back home. Yes, he had to go back to base after sending me home from the dance but at least there's another awesome thing to add on my memories. I'm proud of my father and I will always support what he do.

"I can't believe that my angel is almost sixteen years old. Next two weeks, it's your sweet sixteen birthday. You're getting older, huh?" He reminded me of my birthday.

"I'm not that old. It's not that I'm on an age of getting married or suitable for jobs. I'm still young and still studying." I laughed. His expression changed. That's weird. From having a happy expression to a sad and serious expression. What is going on?

"I just wished the best of luck for your future, Marilyn. I'm lucky enough that my heartbeat is still beating normally and I thanked God for that." Wait, what? Don't tell me that he's going to sacrifice his body to a war...

"What are you talking about, dad? Don't scare me with this kind of bullshit." I swore as I was too terrified. He glared at me as I acted a little rude.

"Language, sweetheart." He warned.

"Sorry... But seriously, don't say that. You're not dying or anything. I need you in my life. Just don't say anything about you dying. Please!" I said as if I'm a hysterical person. Finally, he smiled. I smiled back and hugged him tight. He rubbed my back and kissed on top of my head. 

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