A bit Eccentric

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"Mister Stark it's a pleasure to have you join us tonight," Louis greets the man graciously with his hand out for a handshake.

"I know it is," Stark replies ignoring his hand, the father and daughter shoot each other a less than amused look, his actions only confirmed their dislike. "Oh this is Captain America and magic hands," he introduces his company, who gave much warmer smiles and gave firm handshakes

"It's actually Wanda, Wanda Maximoff," the red-headed woman corrects.

"And you both can just call me Steve."

"I've been looking forward to meeting you actually, Mister Rogers. I wrote an essay about how America continues to use you as pro-war propaganda even in times of peace when I was in college. I'd love to get your insight on it," Y/N says holding him in the handshake for a while longer.

This made Steve think, at first he thought it was a ridiculous accusation, anti-American even, but he wanted to see what she meant and agrees to look at it.

"Miss Maximoff, might I say I didn't think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful but here you are," Y/N charms the woman with deeper intentions. She had always wondered really just how magical her hands could be. "Will you join me for a drink?"

"There are still more people we need to greet my dear," Her father says, trying to convince her to stay.

"That's alright have them come and find me," Y/N waves it off taking hold of Wanda's arm and leading her to the bar.


Wanda was becoming aware of Y/N's subtle flirting and although she was flirting back a little at first she realized that she couldn't keep on, it wouldn't be professional, It would distract her from the mission.

Y/N on the other hand was growing impatient and had thought of other ways to make Wanda know of her intentions.

"Another drink?" Y/N asks her, seeing her glass being close to empty.

"Please," Wanda accepts. Usually, The caterers were to fill up drinks but Y/N wanted Wanda to be alone to contemplate her alone most of all she wanted her to watch her walk away and sure enough, Wanda smirked at the sight.

Without a word, Y/N lifts the glass to the bartender to let him know to give her another drink. He gives her a nod and grabs the cup. A glimpse of red in her peripherals makes her turn her eyes to the woman sitting next to her. Unlike Wanda's red hair, hers was darker.

"You're new, I haven't seen you at any of these before," She attempts to spark a conversation. The woman doesn't even turn to look at her, instead, she hops down from her seat and walks away.

"Have a nice night to you too.... Bitch," Y/N mumbles under her breath.

She returned to Wanda and sat significantly closer.

"So what's your favorite sitcom?" Y/N asks her midway into their conversations about their hobbies.

"The Dick Van Dyke Show," She gleams a smile as if she were glad that someone asked.

"Sorry, what was that?" Y/N leans her ear close to hear, except she had heard her perfectly the first time and when she repeated it but Wanda was the object of her lustful desire and she was going to pull out every trick in the book to have her. "Maybe we should go someplace quiet?"

Wanda thinks about it for a moment searching around the room for her friends, finding none in sight. She smiles and nods in agreement.

Wanda trails behind as Y/N holds her hand and leads her to the roof. It was still loud with the sounds of the busy street below but they both preferred it over the noise indoors.

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