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TW: CNC ⚠️

Torture, that's what Y/N was doing to Natasha.

"They seem to be getting along," Clint chuckled, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

Natasha rarely joined any organized group activity but she found herself showing up more to see Y/N. It wasn't a good idea though because always halfway through the night Wanda and her would whisper in each other's ears and giggle until one of them led the other away to a bedroom.

"Why are you letting this happen?" She turned and asked Rory.

"It's not my business who she sleeps with and I'm certainly not going to force her to be with you," She whispers back.

"Whatever," Natasha rolled her eyes and got up.

"You're leaving?" Clint asked, "We're going to miss the best part."

"Im going to bed," She said rejecting his request for her to stay longer.

It burned her every time she saw her and saw the extent Y/N would go to not to be alone with her.

Natasha had tried, but every time she would disappear behind a corner or have the luck of being near Harley.

She watched from afar how Strange would train her, had hacked her phone to listen into every conversation, and stopped when Wanda kissed her or started on how beautiful she looked.

Y/N was hers and it was a shame that she had forgotten that, she had tried it the nice way now she would do anything to make her listen.

The next morning, while Wanda and Y/N were giggling in the kitchen, Natasha made sure to walk in without a care.

"Hey Nat," Wanda said.

Nat had gotten along with Wanda, very well actually but even the simplest things that she said now made her blood boil.

Wanda and Y/N had been sleeping with each other long enough to not care who knew. It was simpler for them than it was for Natasha and Y/N.

Wanda and Y/N made sense, their powers were similar, they had similar stories, and they were closer in age.

"Hey," She said back with a smile.

"I have a short assignment tonight as watch at the tower, did you get it?"

"No, I passed it over to Steve," She said.

"That little crush he has seems to be worsening the more you deny him your interest," She laughs, as Y/N sat on her lap and read the side of a milk carton.

"I'm the same way," Natasha shrugs, peaking Y/Ns attention just enough to make her lift her eyes, "eventually I get whatever I want, whether anyone likes it or not."

"I'm going to go talk to Harley," Y/N excused herself by planting a kiss on Wanda's cheek.

"The stamina on her is insane," Wanda shakes her head, after staring at her ass on the way out, "we go at it all night and she wakes up begging for more."

Natasha didn't say anything, she knew very well what that was like but she hated hearing that Wanda knew.

"And her tongue, fuck," She groaned, "that's her real talent."

"You're disgusting," Natasha says, loosening her grip on the knife she was using to cut her fruits.

"Oh come on, you've said worse. The first time you got Maria into bed you gave me all the dirty details, what's up with you now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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