The Rebound

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"Good morning," Y/N says brightly to Natasha, not what she expected from their conversation last night.

"Where are you going?" Natasha ask through chewing her cereal, seeing that Y/N was already dressed in a sports bra and a tennis skirt that barely just covered her butt.

"The country club, just going to play a round of tennis," she shrugs reaching into the fridge to grab her daily morning juice.

"Y/N," Louis screams as soon as the elevator door rings. "Y/N," he says louder, seemingly annoyed at something.

"Yes?" She sighs without turning to look at him.

"I was having a nice conversation with a young man on the elevator, he was dressed for tennis and I told him about my daughter the prodigy and then I realize we're almost at the top and he hasn't gotten off. Rambling about some girl he met-"

"Kenny," She squealed and run to the tall blonde man standing next to her father, the same one June had to kick out just yesterday morning.

"Who the hell is Kenny?" Louis says unable to lower his voice.

"Sorry sir, my name is Kennedy Rockefeller," the man says holding a hand out for a handshake while the other holds Y/Ns bottom as she carried her like a child which his muscular physique made easy for him.

"He's my boyfriend," Y/N beams, looking at Natasha for a reaction, smoke was practically coming out of her ears.

"And who said you could have one of those?" Louis challenges.

"I'm 23," she scoffs, getting down from Kennedy's arms but still holding on to his hand.

"If you're going to one of the clubs, he pays," Her father says.

"Actually sir, I already have a membership. I've been going with my parents since I was a kid, we love it there," it was obvious that Kennedy was trying to get into Louis' good graces and it was working.

"Stop trying to make me like you son because it's working," Louis says as if it were nothing and walks back towards the elevators forgetting why he had come up in the first place.

"Okay he's gone," Y/N says pecking his lips.

"Hi baby," He says back leaning in for a much longer kiss. "Ready to go."

"Yup, when we come back we can watch my favorite movie and you can pretend you like it," She hooks her arms on his and looks toward Nat while saying it and walking out.

Y/N knew that getting a boyfriend would be a petty response to rejection, but she would do anything to get back at Nat. Kennedy was a tolerable first boyfriend: he liked to play the same sport, he gave her affection only when she asked for it, and he had technically taken her virginity. It almost made her feel bad that she was just using him to get back at Nat.

After a couple of rounds, they went to lunch, all of which Y/N won, and went back to the apartment to watch a movie. Though she had no true romantic feelings for him it was nice to have someone to hug her, she found his warmth to be comforting. She straddled his lap and hug around his neck resting her head on the crook of his neck, and he accepted the touch by wrapping his hand around her waist.

Kennedy slept over the rest of the week and though they didn't have sex, neither of them seemed to mind it. For Y/N the fabricated intimacy was enough.

Nat, however, did not like that the new couple spent so much time together. She had brought women up but Y/N was always tightly holding on to Kennedy to notice. She tried being loud with them so she could hear them but y/n was either asleep or the tv was blaring loudly in her room.

"What are you making?" Kennedy asks following the sweet scent to the kitchen to see the rare sight of Y/N cooking.

"Pancakes," she says, concentrating on mixing the berries for the syrup in the saucepan. "They're done grab a plate,"

He sets himself a plate and pours some of the fruit syrup on them, he fully prepared himself to have to pretend to like it knowing that girls like her have probably never even touched a stove before but was pleasantly surprised when they tasted almost perfect.

"What was that look?" Y/n teases with one hand on her hip and leans on the counter with the other.

"I just- expected them to- oh Nataly good morning," he says to her to avoid finishing that sentence and risk offending her.

Nat ignores him but tries to show off the girl she was ushering out but y/n doesn't even lift her eyes at them, playfully arguing with Kennedy over his comment.

She quickly pushes the girl into the elevator and presses the button toward the lobby without saying goodbye. She walks back toward the kitchen to join the couple, for the first time since their being together. Nat pours a glass of juice and hands it over to Kennedy.

"Here you go," she says with a smile. He was surprised by it, given that Nat hadn't directed a word to him until now.

"Thank you," he says, accepting the glass. She just nods with a smile and leaves to her room. "Should I be scared?" He laughs and sips the drink. Y/N shrugs trying not to show that the action confused her as well.


Kennedy kisses up Y/Ns neck until he reaches her lips. She sat on his lap, the way she always was while they watched TV.

She could feel the bulge in his pants getting bigger and moved around his lap to tease him expecting it to get even bigger but she soon remembered he wasn't as big as Nat. If she was being honest, she hated it the first time but she figured if she closed her eyes and imagined boobs that it would make a difference.

"Do you want to?" He asks pulling her back a little to see her full face.

"Considering it's been there since breakfast I think we should," Y/N laughs, honestly wanting some relief for herself.

He lifts her up from her bottom giving her a deep kiss as he walks them to the bedroom.

Instead of closing her eyes she just suggested doing doggy style which worked until she was about to reach her high and he had pulled out already having reached his. 

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