No forgiving

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"My angel, my baby," Harley cried the second she saw her and ran to hug and kiss her face, "you're okay, oh my god you're okay."

Y/N held her as tight as she could in a weak state but noticed that Rory hadn't completely stepped into the room.

Y/N gave her a light smile, "Do I look that bad?" She joked.

"No, good actually considering the circumstances," She lightly joked back as she slowly stepped in.

"What happened? Where were you?" Harley asks.

"He took me to the lab in the Ukraine. It was a lot.. in there I wasn't anything but an experiment to him."

"Did they hurt you?"

Y/N didn't answer, she had been poked with more needles than she could count. She was denied food if she didn't cooperate or retaliated but she didn't want Harley to worry.

"Where is he?" Rory asks softly.

"I had to Rory," Y/N says just barely above a whisper, "he was going to kill me and come for you next if I didn't," her voice broke.

Harley gasped, only then did she realize that the dried-up stains on her gray shirt weren't hers but her father's.

"Are you sure that he's... did you see the body?"

"There wasn't much left to see."

"Good," Rory said gathering the courage to sit at the foot of the bed, "I'm glad you're okay now," she said seriously, smoothing over the wrinkles on the sheets.

Y/N scooted down closer to her and slung her arms around her sister. Rory flinched at first, she couldn't remember the last time they had hugged, and she doubted that there was ever a time that they did. This was her sister, the girl she had fully intended to die for, whom she had thought she would never see again. She had convinced herself that she would never come look for her but here she was.

Her grip on Y/N tightened and soon the tears started streaming down.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen," She sobbed.

"You didn't do anything Rory," Y/N reassured her.

"I should've been there for you instead of ignoring you, I just thought if I- I'm sorry."

"I know Rory, me too," Y/N comforted her, "I know about your plan to get me out. He discovered it. I know you were looking for me."

Harper got comfortable in her sister's arms, for a long time she imagined this reunion to be awkward but now that it wasn't she felt a great weight come of her shoulders.

"I love you Rory," Y/N said softly and Harper sobbed even more violently, "I love you too Harley."

Harley threw herself into the hug as well.

They had a moment to enjoy and talk before Banner came back in.

"Okay Y/N, aside from some dehydration and malnourishment, there doesn't seem to be any serious concerns. With some weeks of heavy meals and water-only drinks, you'll be stronger. We'll cover the needle marks with ointment and bandages to prevent infection, whatever they injected has evaporated from your system but if you still feel some effects let me know," he explains.

"Thank you," Harley said to him.

"Hi," Wanda said coming in after Banner stepped out.

"Wanda," Y/N brightened up, "you got my message."

"I'm sorry that I didn't understand sooner," she chuckled walking closer.

"I should work on that, I know," Y/N laughed.

"Are you-?"

"Nothing that freedom won't fix," She winked.

"You know we have an onsite therapist if you need it."

"I will, Harley says she's great," Y/N smiles up at the woman by her side.

"I could also help you... maybe not so much the emotional part but you know improve your abilities."

"I'd love that actually," They smile at each other.

On the other side of the wall was Natasha, pacing back and forth. The debate going on within her head was neverending. At one part she questioned if this was even real. She had splashed her face with cold water, and pinched herself hard but each time she was in the same reality.

Banner told her that she was awake and aware but she needed a reason to go in and secretly hoped he would tell her that Y/N asked for her. She hadn't.

The universe was paying her back for the angry words she had spoken to Rory. Natasha knew the universe was cruel but hadn't experienced this kind of retaliation.

"She's happy to be back," Wanda said as she returned from seeing Y/N.

"I'm sure."

"I think she'd be glad to see you," Wanda says, probably sensing the want that Natasha had.

"Did she say that?"

"No, but she has a lot of emotions right now."

Natasha had a lot of emotions too.

"Natasha," She heard Harley quietly call her.


"I think she'd like to see you," She says.

"Did she say that?" Natasha asked again.

"No, she didn't. But I know you want to see her and why wouldn't she want to see her girlfriend?"

Natasha smiled at the word. Harley nodded to her and walked her back to the room.

"Y/N," was all she said to get her to lift her head. She was amazed first of all by how affectionate she was with Harper. They were holding hands and smiling at each other. Not once with her time with them had she seen them give each other a genuine smile.

"Nat," She said softly, her eyes widening.

Natasha couldn't find her voice to say anything back. She looked different, sounded different but Natasha couldn't help but smile at having her in her presence.

"Come Rory, let's make Y/N something to eat."

"I don't know how to cook," Rory responds but Harper nods her head at Natasha and suddenly she understands.

Y/N got off the bed with Rory and stood feet away from Nat.

"Be right back," Rory whispered to her and followed after Harley.

"You're.. here," was all Natasha managed to say but the mood in the room changed as soon as the door closed.

Y/Ns smile dropped and what was left was a cold stare. Nat sighed at the realization and looked down at the floor. She should've known there was a catch to all of this.

"Get out," Y/N said calmly and turned away from her.

"Y/N," Natasha said, far more desperate than she would've liked, "baby."

Y/N turns to look at her, astounded at how she was just expected to fall back into her arms.

"Sorry," Wanda said,  stepping back in, and suddenly Y/Ns smile was back.

"It was nice seeing you again Natasha, thank you for helping bring me back home," She said and then turned her attention back to Wanda.

"I just saw that Rory and Harley were in the kitchen, I didn't want you to be alone but I see that you aren't," She explained.

"Wait, Natasha was just leaving," Y/N said, shooting Natasha a look, "I want you to stay with me for a bit."

"Of course, there's nothing to do for now," Wanda smiled big, making Natasha roll her eyes as she walked back out.

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