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A/N: Just a little side character story 🤭

"Where is it?" Rory demanded as soon as June was through the door.

"No Hello? No how are you?" He asks, waving the pages around.

"No, hand them over," She says, snatching them away and examining them.

"Have some manners, princess will ya?" He attempted to flirt but that never worked.

"I've never liked it when you called me that," She says dryly.

"I'm sorry," he apologized quickly, about to give up but could stop staring at her. Her focus was on the pages she snatched away from him and the light was hitting her just right.

Her features were similar to Y/N but where Y/N looked more like her mother whereas, Aurora looked more like her father. A girl didn't usually like to hear she resembled her father but Louis wasn't an ugly man and Aurora surely wasn't near ugly either. Maybe in another life, she could've been more: a model or an actress.

"You are so beautiful," June said his thoughts out loud.

"That I already know," Rory said, looking at him with a teasing smile.

"No, I mean. All of you, not just physically," he clarified, Rory's smile faltered a bit. She hadn't ever heard that before and it felt good to hear it but not entirely trustworthy coming out of a man's mouth.

"What is it then that you like about me? The reason you so obviously flirt with me?" She said a bit defensively, as a woman she had learned her most powerful tool to use against men was her body. She has given so much of herself out that it didn't even feel like the special thing everyone refers to it as.

"That's easy," June smiled, "You're kind even though you don't want to admit it, You can't cook for shit but it doesn't matter cuz you'd prefer to eat caviar on crackers with crème Fraiche most nights anyway which is what I love also. you're protective of people, especially with Y/N, and I admire that," He finishes.

"I don't care for her that much," Rory says, to avoid having to confirm anything he said was true because it all was.

"You paid someone to tell Lisa about Aspen cheating on Y/N back in high school," he laughed. "And then you paid someone else to beat the girl up for doing it."

"It was a bad look for the family if she had an unloyal partner," Rory defended, "it wasn't just for her."

June hummed unconvinced, "And when you almost had Lisa killed for telling Y/N that she looked fat in a dress?"

"She was being unnecessarily rude, she looked fine in the dress."

"She did but Lisa had already bought it for her birthday and had to talk it down to her," He laughed even more.

"Shut Up," Rory finally lets herself break into a smile, "So what if I'm a bit protective?"

"You love her Rore, you can admit that you know."

Rory knew that she did but her whole life had been surrounded around Y/N. She was the most consoled, the most spoiled, but she also knew that with that came a lot worse than what she had experienced.

"Don't you have someone to go beat to death," She commented. It was part of his deal with Louis that he work in the family business. He was in charge of collecting debts, if they were late he knew what had to be done. June hated it, it was one of the things that haunted him, one of the many reasons he was doing this.

"Im sorry," Rory said, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"No, I deserve it," He says, awkwardly adjusting his jacket.

"We're all victims June," She reassures him, "You don't deserve any of this."

They stare at each other for a second, a moment of understanding. June steps closer and Rory looks at him with a warning look.

"We can't risk doing that June, if you go down I'll go down with you," She lowers her voice to a whisper. "And this isn't important enough to risk that."

"So you're admitting you want to kiss me too," he teases, grabbing her waist.

"June," She warns.

"Aurora," He says, picking her hand up and rocking her back and forth to dance, "Sleeping beauty fair, gold of sunshine in your hair, lips that shame the red rose," He sang in a surprisingly good tone.

Rory couldn't help but giggle as he swung her around the room.

"You know true love's kiss saved Aurora from her cursed life," He said, still dancing with her even though he stopped humming.

"Someday," She said, hugging his waist and laying her head on his chest.

"Someday," He said, hugging her back. 

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