Blame Game

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A/N: Ask and you shall receive 🤠

"Good afternoon, how are you, Miss Rotherfield? Thank you for joining us," Louis greets the elder woman.

"Anything for a cause," she responds. She had the kind of voice that comedians put on to imitate a rich person. It was quite amusing to hear her speak.

"They're serving your favorite, I made sure to order them special for you," He says in a whisper while wrapping his arm around her shoulders pointing her in the direction of the food. She thanks him for his kindness and walks away.

"Beluga fish caviar and thin whole wheat crackers," Louis and Y/N imitate her voice together and laugh.

"Oh shit, not this again," Louis huffs, becoming distracted by something behind her.

She turns only to see Stark walking towards them, probably having one drink too many, but it was hard to tell since his sober state didn't make him think any clearer.

"Another one please," Tony says forcing his glass into Louis's hand. One of his guys instantly tries to step up to him but Louis stops him.

"Of course Stark," he answers gracefully, he waved a caterer over and give him the glass to fill up. "So how's business?" He tries to spark conversation as they wait.

"Pretty great as always, but you wouldn't know what it's like," Tony responds cockily.

Y/N could see that her father was growing irritated by him by the way he gripped his glass and how his nose would occasionally twitch.

She was quickly distracted though when she spots Nataly in the crowd. She had convinced her to wear a tight red dress and she looked stunning in it. Y/N abandoned the conversation without excusing herself to walk over to her.

"You look so sexy," She says in a low tone as she approached with a lustful smile. Y/N rests a hand on her shoulder and lifts herself on her toes to reach her lips but Natasha pushed her away.

"Not here," Nataly replies simply, scanning her eyes over the crowd.

"Fine," she spits, hating herself for believing all the bullshit from her apology the night before.

"Where are you going?" Natasha pulls her back when she attempts to walk away.

"It's my party and my building, I can go wherever the hell I want."

"Stay away from Wanda Maximoff, it's your father's orders and mine," Natasha demands. Y/N pulls herself free of her grip and walks away, looking for the very person she was forbidden to talk to.


Y/N finally spots Wanda at the bar, talking to some blonde. She looks around the room for her father to make sure he didn't see what she was to do next, he was talking to the Diplomat from Egypt and had his back turned.

Then she searched for Nataly who undoubtedly would give her a worse punishment If she caught wind of this plan. She wasn't in sight, but that could soon change so she had to act quickly.

Y/N made her way to her, posing as if she were getting a drink. They smile at each other and Y/N nods for her to follow, which Wanda easily agreed to.

Once again, Y/N leads her up to the rooftop, which was off limits to the guest.

"Is this our spot now or do you bring all the girls up here?" Wanda teases.

"Ony the ones I really like," Y/N responds, Leaning on the glass railing and overlooking the city.

Wanda notices the bruises on her wrist and arms, which were still visible behind the makeup she had obviously tried to cover them up with.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked genuinely.

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