Mind Map

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A/N: Heyyyy... how y'all doing? 🥸

"There is no sign of them anywhere," Maria said in the meeting.

"What about the energy spikes we've detected over the past couple of months?" Bruce asked.

"they're in inconsistent locations, One shows up in Paris and in 3 seconds another pops up in Ghana. It's not a lead worth pursuing."

"What does Doctor Strange suggest?" Bruce asked again.

"He's a new source, we're still trying to validate his knowledge," Stark says.

"he's the sorcerer supreme, he will know what to do," Steve argues.

"What about Wanda? didn't you say she could sense her or something?" Maria asks.

"She isn't sure that what she's picking up is Y/N, either way, if she were in hiding why would she be reaching out?" Natasha asked.


Everyone had noticed the change in Natasha, how she locked herself in her room as soon as all responsibilities were done, and how she barely came out to eat.

She had argued with everyone on the team about that night, about their lack of preparation and surprise attack. That was until she realized that she also held some blame.

"Come in," She said in response to the knock.

"Hey, I wanted to see how you were," Steve said stepping inside as she sat up.

"Oh yeah, I'm okay," She says.

"Natasha, you can tell me," He says, sitting next to her.

"It's nothing, really," She says laughing, "I'm just tired."

He smiled at her in a way she had learned to ignore.

"I was thinking.." He said scratching the back of his head, "Maybe we can go out for dinner later."

"Steve you know I-"

"Knock knock," Harley interrupts, "oh I'm sorry, I'll come back later," She says holding a tray in her hand.

"No," Natasha stops her, "Steve give us a second."

He sighs but agrees anyway.

"I noticed you weren't at lunch," Harley says, noticing the fake smile Nat had fallen, "I remember Y/N said that you liked it last time I made it for you," She says.

"Thank you," She said quietly, gentler than Harley had heard before.

They had barely talked in months. Natasha knew that Harley blamed her and she understood why.

"He likes you," Harley smiled, it was infectious, and Nat couldn't help but smile back.

"I don't know why," She laughs.

"don't lie, you know exactly what you look like," Harley joked, "will you go to dinner with him?"

"I have no interest in him," Nat ignored the fact that she had heard their conversation yet still interrupted.

"Oh, you don't like men?"

"Sometimes I do but-" She stopped herself from mentioning Y/N and suddenly understood what Y/N would mean when she said it was easy to talk to Harley.

"You miss her?"

"Very much," Natasha said, letting herself admit it for once.

"So you didn't lie to her about that, liking her?"

Manipulation || Natasha G!P X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now