Forced Possession

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TW: Knives and cuts 

Y/N is ripped out of her sleep by something blocking her airways, pinching her nose, and covering her mouth.

"Scream and I'll kill you," Nat says, holding on a little longer to make sure she understands.

Y/N chokes on the air that suddenly filled her lungs back up again.

"I warned you," she hears Nat say, as the air burns back into her lungs, "what happens next is your fault," a loud click comes from the object in Nat's hand, and its blade pressed against Y/Ns neck.

"Where's Kennedy?" She asks only just realizing he wasn't in bed next to her, as he had been when she fell asleep. She tries to move her arms from above her head but realizes she's tied down.

"Don't you remember?" Nat says pressing her hand hard against her mouth, "he attacked you," she says digging the blade in Y/Ns arm, surely drawing blood. "He cut you," she cuts into another spot, y/ns screams muffled by the hand. "Until I came in to save you," she drags the blades down her stomach.

Natasha felt for a second as if someone had pulled her away, knocking her balance a bit and making her drop the knife. It was a strange sensation, but she figured it must've just been the excitement. She loved the way her body looked marked with bleeding lines.

"Do you understand now what happened?" Nat says untying her, lifting her up to a sitting position by her neck.

"Where is he?" She asks again softly. Y/N knew what it would mean for her to ask but she didn't know just how far Nat would go. Kennedy, though not who she wanted to spend her life with, nor who she had an ounce of romantic feeling about, did not deserve to get hurt over something she did.

Just as predicted Nat swings her hand, bringing it back on Y/Ns cheek, and swings it the other way hitting her with her backhand.

"He hurt you," she says innocently, but her hand squeezes tighter onto her neck, "I took care of him, he won't bother you again."


"There, all done," Nat says, finishing up cleaning and wrapping y/ns cuts. She leans in to kiss her cheek but Y/N flinches away. Nat slowly leans back in and kisses her cheek softly and repeatedly. "I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe with me." She whispers as if she hadn't been the one to do this.

"Where is she?" Her father panics as he exits the elevator, followed by a large group of men. He sees her sitting on the couch and runs over to her. Louis studies the bandages on her arms and face with growing anger. "Who did this to you?"

Y/N looks over to Natasha, who was giving her a warning glare, daring her to find out what would happen if she were to tell the truth.

"Kennedy," She whispers, looking back at her father.

"Nataly," he screams, turning towards her, "where the hell were you?"

"They usually go into the bedroom sir...for privacy. As soon as I heard her scream for me I ran in there and he was holding her down with a knife to her throat," Nat explains, y/n wondered how she was so good at lying.

"Where is he now?" Louis asks, Nat leans in to tell him but Y/N only heard the hushed whispers of her voice.

"May I go back to bed?" She asks. Those of Louis men who sat now mirrored her actions and stood up with her.

"Juney's coming up with food, it's your favorite. Are you sure you don't want to eat first, my love?" Louis says to her, softening his voice.

"I'm not very hungry," she says, walking back to her bedroom.


"Y/N," a voice wakes her up, gently pushing her hair back.

She opens her eyes and instantly retreats back and away from Nat.

"I had to do it," Nat says climbing up on the bed, "he was a bad man, just look for yourself," she says handing her a folder.

Inside was proof that he had beaten several girls, while he was drunk. Y/N could barely look at the pictures of the girl's bloody faces, a lot worse than what she had. It was impossible to think that a man that had been so delicate with her had done these things.

"I didn't want it to happen to you, I was just protecting you," Nat explains, cupping her cheek. "Do you forgive me?" She whispers.

What Natasha did wasn't exactly how she would've handled the situation but she was glad that he was being taken care of. Her cuts, though some quite deep, didn't require any stitches and Nat's intentions were good so she decided to forgive her.

"I think they'll look badass in a bikini," Y/N says smoothing her hand over the bandage on her stomach.

"I don't think they'll scar your pretty body," Nat says kissing the bandages, "and you're not wearing a bikini," she laughs standing back up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Y/N pouts.

"Go back to sleep, I'll be back to check on you."

"Can you stay with me for a bit?" She asks lowly, kind of embarrassed to even be asking.

Nat smiles and climbs into the covers, rolling Y/N on top of her. She traces shapes onto her back for a while until she feels y/n bringing her hips down.

Nat smooths her hands down to her butt, pushing on her harder.

"Not today baby, you have to heal," She says, planting a kiss on her head but not without disapproving whines from Y/N. "Consider it a light punishment, next time you let someone else touch you like that it will be you they put six feet under." She whispers to her threateningly, digging her nails into her lower back. "You're mine." 

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