The Visit

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For most of Friday, Y/N locked herself into her office, though Nat wasn't sure why she called it that if she didn't do any work. Nat had a glimpse of the room before, it looked more like a library to her with a fancy Mahogany desk with a computer on it.

"Come in," She called out from behind the door.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked as she walked all the way in.

"Just some reading," Y/N said closing her book and stood up to pull another one out.

Nat took a moment to look at the titles. They all had to do with spirituality, meditation, and chakras.

"I didn't know you were into this sort of thing," She says, flipping through one on her desk. "Whats Kammar Taj?" She asks seeing the name on one of the pages.

"It's said that it's a home and training ground for sorcerers," She explains as she sits down again.

"And you believe it," Natasha scoffs a laugh.

"I'm familiar with one of the sorcerers, It's all just... interesting, helpful even," She says. She didn't really find the whole meditation thing helpful but it's what her trainer had asked her to study and practice. Y/N thought that maybe there was an answer she hadn't seen before in these books.

"Book of Vishanti, the mirror dimension, the lost eye of Agamotto? It sounds like a bunch of bullshit to get tourists out there," She laughs.

"It's not for everyone," Y/N laughs knowing that she thought the same thing when she read all of these things. "Sorry, did you need anything?"

"Just wanted to talk to you about Sunday," Nat smiles.

"It's your day off, you can do whatever you want."

"I was actually thinking that we do something together. What do you think?"

"I'd really love to but... I have an important meeting that I can't miss," She said, dreading her Sunday schedule.

"Really? With who?" Natasha asked, seeing what lies she could come up with.

"Emmy's coming for the weekend, my cousin. We have some things planned."

"I thought it was a meeting?" Nat dragged her hand on the desk as she walked around.

"We'll be meeting one of her idols, we can't miss it," Y/N explained, she surprised herself with how quickly the deception slipped out of her mouth. It would've convinced Natasha if she didn't already know the truth.

"Don't lie to me baby," she said just above a whisper, leaning down to get close to her face.

Y/N was desperate for anything from her, Nat hadn't touched her, and she hadn't even slept in the same room anymore. Nat gave the excuse that June was popping up more recently and he could find them in bed together.

It was true that June was around more often, preparing for the arrival of Wanda but he had always been respectful of boundaries and never walked into her room without being asked to. Y/N tried to explain that to Nat but she said that she didn't want to take that risk.

Natasha on the other hand had spent time texting the lady at Stark tower. Her name was Catalina, just as sexy of a name as she was a woman.

It was obvious though that she was only looking for a hook-up, which was made clear by the endless pantyless photos she sent from her desk, urging Natasha to go see her. Of course, though that was never possible. At night Catalina would call, moaning Natasha's name into the phone as she touched herself until she came. Natasha would respond the same way every time. 'I'll make you cum harder than that."

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