Days Gone By (Reap)

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Reaper has the same nightmare over and over. He was going to the Savescreen to see his lover, but he can't find him. He searches the place desperately, screaming his name. He can't. He can't lose him! Not again! But nobody is there. He screams out for the monster he loves, he screams out for Geno.
But the only response he gets is laughter. Glitched laughter. He whirls around only to find himself trapped in blue strings, the black skeleton known as Error facing him down with a crazed smile. It's fake though. Reaper knows it's fake. No matter how tight the strings get, Reaper knows better. No matter how much Error hurts others and destroys, Reaper knows how he really feels. He also knows that Error is trying to ignore those feelings. Reaper just wants to help him. He calls to Error softly. But Error just laughs again. ("geno is gone!") "g-en-o is g-go-ne!" Error barks before he ends Reaper's life with one final tug at his strings. That's when Reaper wakes up, sometimes screaming, sometimes dead silent. But he is always crying. No matter how many times he hears it in the nightmare, Reaper knows. Error IS Geno.


Reaper decended into the mortal realm to collect souls for the night. It had taken him awhile, after Geno left. It had taken him awhile to figure out that Error was Geno. They looked nothing alike in appearance and their attitudes were different as well. There was something though... something familiar about him, whenever he was alone. It was so very Geno. At first, Reaper thought it was a coincidence. But the more he watched Error, creepy as it was, the more he actually thought about how similar they were. Error was a different person when he was alone. He was... for lack of a better term, lonely. And scared. Just like Geno was before Reaper came along. What truly sold it though... was one day after Error came back from a fight. Reaper had seen it. That gash on his chest that never stopped bleeding... well, it'd stopped now, but only because it was so heavily glitched. Reaper blinked as an escaping thief was hit by a car. He sighed and drifted over to collect the new soul. Reaper could never tell Error. He'd tried, but... there was a reason he'd had those nightmares. He was only lucky that he'd cut himself free in time.


Reaper thought of going to check on Error after an exhausting night of work. But... what was the point if he didn't remember anything? Why did he keep torturing himself like this? Why couldn't he forget too? Reaper dropped off the souls into their respective hells and went home. "GOOD MORNING BROTHER HOW WAS..." Papyrus trailed off as Reaper skulked past him. "i'm going to bed pap, g'night.." Papyrus knew that Reaper had a bad day. "GOOD NIGHT BROTHER." He hoped that tomorrow would be better.

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