At Ease (Err)

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Error was happier than ever, cuddled next to his mate and future child. Their child. His and Reaper's child. A destructive death child. Error smiled in his sleep. He was gonna be a daddy and Reaper a mommy. His smile faded when he noticed they weren't next to him. He stirred awake, yawning. ("reap..?") "r-eap..?" It seems that his boyfriend had went to work. His frown deepened out of worry. He knew Reaper could handle himself but still. He worried. He worried that his enemies would find out and try something.  If Ink found out Error of all monsters was having a kid... well, he wouldn't let anything happen to their kid and he knew Reaper wouldn't either. Last case scenario if all else failed was either the Void or Outertale, but neither of them wanted that. The balance of life and death AND creation and destruction would be thrown off and the Multiverse would collapse if they both disappeared. Plus Error knew how close to his brother Reaper was. He hoped that it never came to that. For Reaper's sake. Error decided to start knitting clothes for the baby to take his mind off of his disturbing thoughts.


("what's cooking, good looking?") "w-hat-s co-ok-ing, goo-d l-ook-ing?" Error purred when Reaper got back. He heard Reaper giggle as Reaper's hand went to the souls. "nothing much, err, just your future child." Error's smiled wide, happy to hear that all was well. ("that's great to hear, reap.") "th-at-s g-re-at to h-ear, rea-p." He held a sewn black onsie. ("i've been practicing~") "i-ve bee-n practicing~" Reaper cooed at the cute onesie before frowning a little. "are you sure you wanna make all their clothes? we can always steal some or paps could-"
("and make your bro look suspicious? nah, i got this.") "a-and mak-e you-r bro l-oo-k sus-pici-ous? n-ah, i g-go-t-t th-is." Error reassured his lover as he held Reaper's hand. Error's head was guided to lean against Reaper to which the Destroyer happily did. Reaper's robes were hella comfortable. Error felt fine just knowing that his family was right there with him. This was it. This was what Error had desperately wanted. He was NEVER EVER gonna lose this.

Or will they? Heheheheh, you'll see~ Shout out goes to SufletAksw , ZodiacSanity , and Lunazul3000 for requesting a sequel~ see all ya'll there! Have a good morning/afternoon/night!


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