Unexpected Run In (Err)

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Error destroyed a couple of AUs before going to Outertale. He liked to sit at the cliff here and think about what his life was like before... this. Sometimes he imagined himself to be a good Sans with a brother like Classic's and maybe a lover. Someone nice like Blue or Sugar. Or maybe he was a Sans like Ganz. An outcast because he made the decision not to kill humans like everyone else. Or maybe he was always a loner. He didn't know but he liked the idea of not always being alone. His smile faltered. But what if he was? Error groaned. What if this WAS all he ever was? Just a lonely glitch with people problems and mental problems and problems period. He planted his phalanges firmly in the grass and looked out at the nothingness ahead of him. It's not like he had anything to go back to. Whoever he was before, he wasn't them now. If he did have anyone, they'd never find him. So he might as well just be done with it all. He closed his sockets and pushed off... only to be pulled back ubruptly by his hood.


He blinked his sockets back open and whipped around to see... the cloaked Sans. The last person he ever expected to see just came to his rescue. He nearly gawked, but thought better of it and gave the guy an unimpressed stare. ("why?") "w-why?" The cloaked Sans jumped as if not expecting to be addressed by him. "why?" The black clad Skeleton asked. "why save you?" Error nodded. ("yes i'm sure you remember me. i nearly killed you once.") "y-es i-m su-ure yo-u re-mem-ber me. i-i nea-rly ki-l-led you o-onc-ce." As soon as he said it, he was kicking himself. "oh i know." The Skeleton replied. "but i'm not going to stand by and watch you suffer. i don't want you to do something you'll regret, error." Error stepped back. ("how-") "h-ow-"
"do i know your name? one i'm a sans. two i'm a god of death. need i say more?" He crossed his arms, looking at Error before averting his gaze with a slight blue blush. Error laughed as if that was the funniest thing he ever heard. ("the god of death saving my life! thats hilarious!") "th-e go-d of dea-th s-sav-ing my l-ife! th-at-s hil-ar-rio-us!"


Error checked the God of Death. ("reaper, huh? well reaper, i guess i owe you one. see ya around.") "rea-per, hu-h? w-ell re-ap-er, i gue-ss i owe y-ou on-e. s-e-e ya ar-ou-und." Error made a portal to the Anti-Void, and as soon as he was alone... he cried. Error was so RELIEVED. Somebody cared enough to STOP him! Somebody actually CARED! And it was the guy he almost killed! He'd FORGIVEN him! Error sobbed for hours until he didn't have the tears to anymore. Then a new thought came up. If Reaper was the God of Death, why didn't Error die by his touch? Even if it was just his jacket, it counted... right? Did it have anything to do with his chest wound? Why would the God of Death want to save Error's life? What was his motive? Could Error really trust the God of Death? Stars! He was overthinking again! Maybe if he saw him again... he could figure out this Reaper guy.

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