Apologies (Reap)

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Reaper wouldn't leave his room which left Papyrus worried that things hadn't gone well. Papyrus had tried to talk to his clearly depressed brother, but Reaper didn't seem up for much conversation. All he ever got from the painful God of Death was a "i'm fine." or a "i'll be ok." Papyrus wanted to have a stern talking to Reaper's close friend. Papyrus made some cheer up pasta with extra glitter and marched upstairs, planting a knock on Reaper's door. There was a sigh from the other side. "i'm not hungry bro, i just got back from work." He sounded tired, he was probably trying not to think about by working without break. "BROTHER, I THINK A MEAL WOULD DO YOU SOME GOOD NOW... MAYBE WE COULD TALK A LITTLE..? OR WATCH TELEVISION.." Another sigh from the other side. "sorry pap... i'm not really feeling up to it at the moment." Papyrus shoulders slumped as he started down the stairs and to the kitchen. He knew Reaper would come down eventually, later in the night or when Papyrus was gone.. Stars, he wished he could help things get better. Then the portal opened.


Reaper rubbed his sockets, suppressing a yawn. He'd reaped a good 500 or so souls today, he was doing good, catching up on his seemingly never-ending list. This was so much easier when he wasn't distracted by- no, no don't think about it. Reaper was ok. He was good. He was just busy is all. As long as he just stayed busy, he'd be great! No room to think or dream. He heard another knock as he started his paperwork anew. "i'll eat later pap, i'm a little busy right now." Reaper called to the door. There was a solid minute of silence and Reaper assumed that Papyrus had left. He wasn't wrong either, for it was another voice that finally spoke up. ("i heard you were working yourself to an early grave and i got worried..") "i he-ar-d yo-u we-re wo-rk-ing yo-urs-elf t-to an ear-ly gr-av-e a-nd i go-t wor-ried.." Reaper dropped his pencil, said item skittering off the desk and onto the floor. Reaper couldn't be bothered though. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh at the pun or cry over the fact that Error was there, outside the door.


Reaper stood up and approached his door, opening it to peek out tentatively, as if unsure if Error was actually there. Honestly he wasn't. It could be a hallucination his mind conjured, he hadn't exactly slept much. "err..?" There he was, in all his beautiful and unique glory, one arm rubbing the other as he gave Reaper an increasingly worried look. ("can i come in..?") "c-an i co-me in..?" He asked. Reaper hesitated and shuffled in, opening it further. Error entered and closed the door behind him before going to Reaper and cupping his face. ("you look terrible, reap..") "y-ou l-oo-k terr-ible, reap.." Error murmured, making Reaper chuckle quietly. "wow, thanks." Error frowned. ("not like that! uhg, look... i'm sorry i reacted poorly, i just... i don't..") "n-ot l-ike th-at! uh-g, l-oo-k... i-m so-rry i r-eac-ted p-oor-ly, i ju-st... i-i don-t.."
"it was a lot, i know.." Reaper leaned into Error tiredly. "i love you for you, err. yes, at first it was because you were geno, but i fell in love with you. error not geno.." Error sighed. ("thank you, reap... i love you too..") "th-ank y-ou, re-ap... i l-ove yo-u t-oo.." Error lead Reaper to his bed. ("sleep.") "s-lee-p." Reaper hummed. "sounds good.." He fell asleep with his head in Error's lap.

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