Mood (Err)

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Error was more than ready to go back home when he'd completed his task. Everyone had been pretty shocked with Error's progress with touch, the usually distant glitch had been having to punish the murder time idiots a lot. Back to the topic though, Error was finally able to return to his likely more than worried Anti-Void companion. "it took you long enough." Upon opening a portal though... "how was your mission?" Reaper stepped through, smiling at him. It sent Error's soul racing as a yellow hue raced across his cheekbones. ("sorry to keep you waiting, reaper.") "s-so-rr-y t-to k-eep y-ou w-ait-ing, reap-er." The god of death glanced around at the others in the room. "it's fine. i'm just glad things seem to have gone well." Error nodded. ("very, i punched dust like three times for being an idiot.") "v-er-y, i pu-nch-ed du-st li-ke thr-ee ti-mes fo-r be-ing an idi-ot." Reaper chuckled. "you'll have to tell me more about it when we get back." Reaper offered a hand to Error, who took it with little hesitancy as they left the castle and returned to 'home sweet home'. He didn't care, as long as he wasn't alone.


Error told Reaper about about his mission, leaving out nothing since Reaper never seemed to care. Even now he seemed completely absorbed in Error's reiteration of what happened, with a slight blue hue on his cheekbones. When Error finished his story, Reaper seemed almost disappointed that it ended. "i'm glad you enjoyed yourself and i'm proud of your progress, err." Error hummed, leaning into his beanbag. ("if you don't mind, i would like to relax with some undernovela.") "i-f y-ou don-t min-d, i wou-ld li-ke to re-lax wi-th som-e under-nove-la." Reaper quirked a confused brow. Error chuckled and opened a window into the world to clear up said confusion, turning his head eagerly to watch. He got invested pretty quickly, sitting at the end of his seat and getting hyped up at the dramatics of the 'show'. ("go get your girl, asgoro! show sin who's boss around here!") "g-o ge-t you-r gi-rl, as-go-ro! sh-ow s-sin wh-o-s b-oss a-rou-nd he-re!" In the background of the Anti-Void, Reaper was heavily blushing. Why was Error so stars damned adorable?!


After Error had finished the episode he found himself pulling down his unfinished Reaper doll from his strings. Someday Error wanted someone to fight for like Asgoro and Sin did. It didn't have to be as dramatic as their love triangle, but someone he could keep safe and... and love.. Error smiled absent-mindedly at the Reaper doll, the real Reaper looking at Error. Stars, why was Error so stars damned cute?!? "are you making me..?" Error jumped, having forgotten that the Skeleton was still there. Error turned completely yellow, ("yeah, um, i'm sorry i, uh, forgot you here..") "y-yea-h, u-um, i-m s-o-rr-y i-i, u-h, for-got y-ou he-re.." Reaper giggled. "nah, it's ok man. i would be lying if i said i wasn't enjoying the view." Error turned even more yellow, surprised by Reaper's statement. ("what...?") "w-wh-a-t...?" Reaper smiled gently, tilting his head. He was about to give Error what he wanted. "err, can we talk about... you and me..?"

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