Hesitance (Reap)

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Today's the day. He was going to the Anti-Void today. He was going to hang out with Geno/Error after all this time, twenty years giveortake, and maybe even tell him who he was. Maybe they could get back together and things could at least somewhat go back to normalcy. Stars, now they could go out on real dates! Or... history could repeat itself, Reaper could end up bound by strings and this time, he couldn't escape in time. "BROTHER." Error had done it before and very few escaped with their lives. "BROTHER!" Maybe he just wanted to finish the job, maybe that whole thing was a ploy to get Reaper to come over and he'd just walked right into it. "SANS!" Reaper snapped out of his troubling thoughts and looked to Papyrus and Gaster. "YOU WERE DOING YOUR SCARY FACE AGAIN. ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Well shit. "'m fine pap. just dead beat." Reaper yawned. "imma take a nap before work, don't bother me." Papyrus made a screech at his pun and Reaper chuckled. There was no way that it was some elaborate plot. Reaper was just being paranoid. Error had been genuine and he genuinely needed a friend.


Reaper waited in his room fifteen minutes longer to make sure he really wasn't going to be disturbed by his family before opening a portal to the Anti-Void. It took him fifteen minutes longer to actually step through. Anxiety was creeping in. How should he greet him? What happens if he isn't there? Should he just leave then, or wait? How should he bring up their shared history together? How would he react? Would he get violent again? But eventually, he did it. He stepped through and let the portal close behind him as he searched for Geno/Error. It didn't take as long as he thought, then yet, he was kinda drawn to souls and it'd been the same way in the Savescreen. Error was high within his strings with a pair of glasses on as he sewed what looked to be a doll. Reaper hesitated a moment, not wanting to interrupt. "uh, good afternoon, error.." Error jolted in surprise, looking down at the God of Death as he waved sheepishly. ("you actually came..") "y-ou act-ual-ly ca-me.." Error glitched in disbelief. "heh... weren't expecting that, were ya? yup. here i am." Reaper replied, regret nipping at his soul. He almost hadn't.


("so what do you want to do, now that you're here?") "s-o, wh-at do y-ou wan-t to d-do, no-w tha-t y-ou-re he-re?" Error asked, tying his things into the strings. Reaper shrugged. "why don't we start with talking and go from there?" He could casually bring up who he was... somehow. Error lowered himself to the 'ground'. ("i guess.") "i-i gu-ess." Error sat on the 'floor', crossing his legs. ("what is it like, being the god of death?") "w-wh-a-t is it li-ke, be-ing the g-od of dea-th?" Reaper sighed and sat down across from him. Geno had always been naturally curious, of course he'd have questions. "it's, uh, pretty lonely.." When Reaper didn't elaborate, Error asked, "why?" He really didn't want to elaborate, but it WAS Geno. "i'm one of two gods of death. my brother is the god of painless death, he's really cool and is pretty good to me. me? i'm the god of painful death. as you can imagine, i'm not very popular among... anyone really and anything that touches me dies." Error blinked and shrugged. ("well, its a good thing i don't like being touched, isn't it?") "w-ell, it-s a g-oo-d th-ing i don-t li-ke be-ing tou-ched, isn-t it?" Reaper's sockets widened and he smiled. "i guess that is a pretty good thing." Things were going pretty well.

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