Apologies (Err)

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Error decided to wait a little to let things cool down on Reaper's end. Give him the night to calm himself. That was what Error planned. It wasn't quite how it went. He accidentally ended up staying in the Anti-Void a little longer then he realized and that 'night to cool down' became 'a full twenty-four hours to cool down'. Not Error's best moment, but at least he could say it wasn't his worst either. Error flinched at his internal joke. That was bad even for him. Error pulled down his Reaper doll and hugged it close. How long was a night in Anti-Void time again? This the wait was killing Error. Maybe he should just go now, hope for the best. Error pushed back on the anxieties that he was no doubt feeling and opened a portal to Reapertale, stepping through only to be met face to robes. He looked up at Reapertale's Papyrus, quietly cursing himself for making such a rookie mistake. "ARE YOU MY BROTHER'S CLOSE FRIEND?" He asked, crossing his arms against his chest. He looked pretty stern. Error wasn't used to that expression being on a Papyrus. ("yes.") "y-es."


Error rubbed his arm as Papyrus chewed him out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HIM? MY BROTHER WAS SO HAPPY WITH YOU THAN HE TOLD YOU THAT SECRET AND YOU REALLY HURT HIM! SANS HARDLY ATE TODAY AND I DON'T THINK HE'S SLEPT AT ALL SINCE HE RETURNED HOME! ALL HE'S BEEN DOING IT WORKING AND THAT IS UNHEALTHY, YOU NEED TO FIX THIS, PLEASE!" Error really screwed up big time, didn't he?("i will.") "i wil-l." Error promised as he turned to the stairs leading to Reaper's room. He had to fix this. He knocked on Reaper's door and waited. "i'll eat later pap, i'm a little busy right now." Error flinched. Reaper sounds so tired. Error should probably say something, before it was too late. ("i heard you were working yourself to an early grave and i got worried..") "i he-ar-d yo-u we-re wo-rk-ing yo-urs-elf t-to an ear-ly gr-av-e a-nd i go-t wor-ried.." Error heard a pencil clatter to the ground, then there was quiet footsteps before the door cracked open to reveal Reaper's head.


His expression told Error that he was unsure. Unsure of what Error had to say, he figured. He looked as tired as he sounded, his handsome features shadowed in exhaustion. "err..?" He nearly jumped when Reaper called his nickname. ("can i come in..?") "c-an i co-me in..?" He asked. Reaper hesitated and shuffled in, opening it further. Error entered and closed the door behind him before going to Reaper and cupping his face. ("you look terrible, reap..") "y-ou l-oo-k terr-ible, reap.." Error murmured, making Reaper chuckle quietly. "wow, thanks." Error frowned. ("not like that! uhg, look... i'm sorry i reacted poorly, i just... i don't..") "n-ot l-ike th-at! uh-g, l-oo-k... i-m so-rry i r-eac-ted p-oor-ly, i ju-st... i-i don-t.."
"it was a lot, i know.." Reaper leaned into Error tiredly. "i love you for you, err. yes, at first it was because you were geno, but i fell in love with you. error not geno.." Error sighed. ("thank you, reap... i love you too..") "th-ank y-ou, re-ap... i l-ove yo-u t-oo.." Error lead Reaper to his bed. ("sleep.") "s-lee-p." Reaper hummed. "sounds good.." He fell asleep with his head in Error's lap.

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