Unexpected Run In (Reap)

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Reaper wasn't stalking Error. No, he had a legitimate, death related reason to be in Outertale involving a spaceship accident. He just decided to stay for awhile afterwards. Outertale was a beautiful and desolate place. The stars were so close together though in reality they were millions of miles apart. It was such a lonely existence. It reminded Reaper of his situation with Error/Geno. They were so close and yet millions of miles apart, never able to be together again. It was a soul crushing thought, but a reality that he'd come to accept. He was the God of Death, he couldn't have things his way. He stopped when he saw the very person he was thinking about. "what is he doing here..?" Reaper asked himself. What did it matter? Error could go wherever he wanted. Reaper debated just leaving, but then Error pushed off. His sockets went black as he teleported to save Error. He wouldn't lose him. Not again. His phalanges caught the fabric of Error's hood, pulling him back to the safety of the cliff's edge. Error staggered back onto solid ground as Reaper prepared himself to stabilize the Skeleton before he fell again. It wasn't necessary though.


Reaper became highly self conscious as Error blinked at him. For a split second, he looked shocked before it became a highly unimpressed stare that reminded Reaper that he wasn't the Geno he knew, he was Error, a highly destructive (and depressed) individual that had tried to kill him before. ("why?") "w-why?" Reaper jumped as Error pulled him out of his thoughts, then almost gawked at Error in shock. "why?" Why would Error ask such a stupid question? "why save you?" Error confirmed the question with a nod. It both broke Reaper's soul and made him mad at the same time. ("yes i'm sure you remember me. i nearly killed you once.") "y-es i-m su-ure yo-u re-mem-ber me. i-i nea-rly ki-l-led you o-onc-ce." Reaper tried, and succeeded, not to flinch. "oh i know." He found himself saying. "but i'm not going to stand by and watch you suffer. i don't want you to do something you'll regret, error." To that, Error actually did look shocked. ("how-") "h-ow-" Reaper gave him a sad and amused smile. "do i know your name? one i'm a sans. two i'm a god of death. need i say more?" He crossed his arms, smuggly then blushed as he thought that Error looked adorable. When Error laughed, Reaper blushed more. ("the god of death saving my life! thats hilarious!") "th-e go-d of dea-th s-sav-ing my l-ife! th-at-s hil-ar-rio-us!" He supposed it was a bit funny to think about..


Reaper waited as Error checked him. He seemed to struggle with it, though Reaper knew Geno had always had bad sight. ("reaper, huh? well reaper, i guess i owe you one. see ya around.") "rea-per, hu-h? w-ell re-ap-er, i gue-ss i owe y-ou on-e. s-e-e ya ar-ou-und." Reaper raised his arm to stop Error, but he was already gone. Reaper blinked slowly. Was that an invitation? Was Error inviting him over? Reaper smiled gently at where Error had been standing. He remembered when Geno invited him over, in a similar fashion. Some things never did change. Maybe, just maybe, he'd take Error up on that offer.

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