Hesitance (Err)

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There was no way he was going to come. Error knew it. It was just some stupid lie to appease him so that Error wouldn't end his life. Or maybe Error just didn't want him to come. He didn't want to get close to this guy just to kill him in his next rage fit. It was better that Error was alone. Even if he didn't want to be alone. Error groaned, running a hand down his face. ("why did i invite him..?") "w-hy di-d i in-vi-te h-him..?" He knew exactly why. For whatever reason, this Reaper character was familiar. Like they'd met before, but Error couldn't remember meeting Reaper before he'd almost killed the guy. So when else could they have possibly met? Was Reaper tied to Error's past life? Had they known each other before? Error wanted to ask, but he was afraid of the answer. Reaper was the God of Painful Death, what if he'd killed Error but Error's soul escaped somehow? He shook his head and started sewing a doll of Reaper since he was someone he'd never sewn before. None of his questions mattered, it wasn't like the Skeleton was coming anyway.


Error got the body of the doll done when he heard the voice. "uh, good afternoon, error.." Error jolted in surprise, looking down at the God of Death as he waved sheepishly. ("you actually came..") "y-ou act-ual-ly ca-me.." Error glitched in disbelief. "heh... weren't expecting that, were ya? yup. here i am." Reaper replied, looking somewhat regretful, but Error didn't know why. He wasn't going to ask either. Reaper actually came! Ok, ok. Play it cool. ("so what do you want to do, now that you're here?") "s-o, wh-at do y-ou wan-t to d-do, no-w tha-t y-our he-re?" Error asked, tying his things into the strings. Reaper shrugged. "why don't we start with talking and go from there?" The God of Death replied as Error lowered himself to the 'ground'. ("i guess.") "i-i gu-ess." Error sat on the 'floor', crossing his legs. ("what is it like, being the god of death?") "w-wh-a-t is it li-ke, be-ing the g-od of dea-th?" Reaper sighed and sat down across from him. Reaper looked reminiscent of something before he answered the question. "it's, uh, pretty lonely.." When Reaper didn't elaborate, Error asked, "why?" Reaper seemed rather reluctant to answer, but did anyway. "i'm one of two gods of death. my brother is the god of painless death, he's really cool and is pretty good to me. me? i'm the god of painful death. as you can imagine, i'm not very popular among... anyone really and anything that touches me dies."


Reaper was like him, Error realized. Alone in the world with nobody to turn to. Well actually, he seemed to have a brother, but otherwise they were much the same. Thus Error blinked and shrugged. ("well, its a good thing i don't like being touched, isn't it?") "w-ell, it-s a g-oo-d th-ing i don-t li-ke be-ing tou-ched, isn-t it?" Reaper's sockets widened and he smiled. "i guess that is a pretty good thing." Things were going pretty well. Maybe, just they could get along and possibly.... be friends.

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