Days Gone By (Err)

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When Error first woke up in the Anti-Void, he was confused. Where was he? Why was he here? He explored a bit, hoping to find an exit or something. But all there was... white. Endless white. As far as eye could see. The further he wandered, seeing nothing else, the more he panicked. Walking became jogging. Jogging became running. Then Running became full on sprinting as he screamed and begged for help. Had his voice always sounded that distorted? He couldn't remember. Actually... there was a lot of things he couldn't remember. Like his name. His age. His life before the endless white. Surely he had one, right? It brought on a whole new wave of panic and fear as he tried desperately to escape or have SOMEBODY help him. But nobody came. This continued until he lost his voice... he lost his tears. He lost his hope. He accepted that he was trapped there... forever.


Error was destroying some au again. Tearing apart the monsters with his strings and error blasters. The day he found out how to escape, he'd lost nearly all of his faith in these damned glitches who had left him to rot. That's why he killed them. Every damn one of them were useless, and hateful, and selfish! He would purge the world of these selfish creatures. He didn't like it. But it was for the best. That's what he believed. Of cours, due to his new job as the Destroyer, he'd made enemies. He often returned to the Anti-Void wounded or close to dead. He hated Ink. He hated everyone. Once after a long day, dealing with the Creator and his so called friends, he returned to find someone else was in the Anti-Void. Error was already pissed at the world. Pissed at the Creator and  pissed that this Skeleton in robes that could apparently enter the Anti-Void, but had left him there so long. He caught this glitch, almost killed him... but he escaped. Error hadn't found that particular glitch again. He'd probably scared him off. He did almost kill the guy. In all reality though... Error was extremely lonely. He was in a foul mood at the time and when Error was mad, he did things. Bad things. Like murdering entire aus. He was angry. He was scared. He was depressed.


Error destroyed that au's code before he left. Ink hadn't come with his lackeys, which was good, he supposed. He strung up another soul, another to add to his collection of souls and dolls, yet he was still lonely. The Destroyer sighed and flopped to the 'ground', closing his sockets. If the Skeleton in robes could just come back now... he could apologize and maybe- no... he wasn't coming back. Error fucked up like he always did. He was the bad guy. He knew it. They knew it. Everyone knew it. He sighed. He had no reason to stay here. Not when he could do something more productive.

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