Protected (Err)

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Error collapsed painfully onto the 'floor' of the Anti-Void, rolling onto his back. His spine hurt like hell and he knew there was damage. It could've been worse though. If it hadn't been for Reaper... he would probably be dead. "r-ea-per.." How had he gotten there when he did? How had he known that Error was going to be killed? Was it a Death God thing? Reaper had looked pretty damn pissed. Was it because of his balance or was there something more? Something Error just didn't know? There was no way of Error knowing right now. He was injured and alone. He had no way of knowing if Reaper would actually come knowing Error was alive. Reaper should have never gotten involved with the fight, he should've left Ink to- "error, let me see where it hurts." Reaper cut off Error's spiraling thoughts, the glitch looked over to the goth as he crouched next to him. ("i'm ok.") "i-i-m ok." Error replied quietly. "..." Reaper looked like he didn't believe him in the slightest.


Reaper reached over. Error shot up wincing as he clutched his spine. ("what are you doing?!") "w-h-a-a-a-at ar-e y-ou do-i-i-i-ing?!" Was he about to touch him?! What about the dying thing?! And his... other problem too. "you are not ok, error. you were nearly killed." Reaper reached over again and Error flinched away. ("don't..") "d-o-on-t.." Reaper paused. "i just want to help."
("i'll do it... just don't..") "i-ll do i-it... j-jus-t don-t.." Error lifted his sweater where he and Reaper could see cracks where Blue's attack had connected and Ink had pinned him. Error pulled a roll of bandages out of his jacket pocket and slowly and painfully wrapped himself up. Reaper once more wore that pissed off expression. Was... was Reaper mad at Ink... for hurting Error..? ("reaper? are you ok..?") "r-eap-er? a-are y-ou ok..?" Reaper focused on Error again, noticing that his vertebrae had been bandaged and nodded. "i'm fine. will you be ok? do you not have any way to heal yourself?" Error had pulled down his sweater again. ("no. i don't have healing magic. i'll be ok though.") "n-no. i-i don-t ha-ve hea-ling mag-ic. i-ll b-e ok th-ou-gh." It was true.. Reaper really WAS mad at Ink for hurting Error.


Reaper snorted. "when have i heard that." Error rolled his eyelights. ("har har.") "h-ar ha-r." Reaper relaxed next to him. "welp. you're hurt and vulnerable so i'm gonna stick around and make sure nobody can get to you." Error sat up a little. ("...why...?") "... w-hy...?" Reaper looked genuinely surprised. "because... you're important to me. i don't wanna see you hurt." Error stared at Reaper than leaned back. His soul sped up and he felt himself blush. ("heh. don't hear that everyday... what about your job?") "h-eh. d-on-t he-ar tha-t eve-ry d-ay... w-wha-t a-bou-t you-r jo-b?" Reaper shrugged. "we will figure something out, error. for now, you just focus on getting better." Error closed his sockets with a glitched sigh. ("that sounds good...") "th-at sou-nds g-oo-d..." Reaper looked around himself. "rest up, bud. you're safe with me." Error grumbled tiredly, fighting to stay awake. ("i don't sleep..") "i-i don- sle-ep.." Reaper chuckled. "you've had a long day. i'm sure you can make an exception just this once."

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