Safe (Reap)

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Reaper wondered how Error was doing as he reaped another soul. Reaper hated his job. He really did. This job is what had kept him from Geno before Geno became Error. He wished he didn't have to work, he should've been there! He should've stayed with Geno, but the balance of life and death was important, he couldn't just... stop... right? Or at least take a small break? The souls weren't going anywhere, he could- no. That was exactly how Chara had- yeah no. He couldn't stop. He couldn't take a break, no matter how much he wanted to. All he could do is try to get the job done as quickly and humanely as possible so he could go see Error. He wondered if the souls hated him for what he had to do? If Error had his memories, would he hate him for abandoning him? Reaper supposed that's why he tried to be there as much as possible. That, and he didn't want to lose Error again. He would never forgive himself if he did. He was supposed to be there, as Error's mate and husband, even if Error didn't... didn't remember it..


Sometimes a person was killed before their time was supposed to be up. Usually if that happened, they were murdered by someone who was aware of them, the Gods. Reaper and his brother. To combat this, Gaster had put a sort of... sixth sense into Reaper. He could tell if someone was about to die before his time, hone on it, and stop it from happening. Luckily it didn't happen all that often, but now, Reaper felt it, making him freeze in place as he instantly started to hone in on a location. He was quick to open a portal to the au it was in, and found Error to be there. It seemed Error was working too, and the Star Sanses had got in the way. Reaper's sockets went dark as Error was blindsided by Blue, it looked like it had hurt. "don't think you're getting away so easily." Ink used Broomie to flip Error on his back and applied pressure to his spine. "INK, THAT DOESN'T HURT HIM... DOES IT?" Reaper felt his magic boil. Ink better not. "i'm ending this, it won't hurt much longer." Ink grinned manically. "wait, ink, that wasn't part of the agreement-" Dream cried out as Ink lifted Broomie to end Error.


Reaper sure wasn't going to stand there and watch his mate die. It was his fault he wasn't there before, but he was here now. He could stop this now. And he did. His scythe lashed out, hooking Broomie. He pushed them to the side and twisted, making the giant paintbrush fly off to the left. Reaper withdrew his scythe, trying to make this seem professional, even as he glowered at Ink with darkened sockets. "it isn't his time yet." Reaper seethed at the frozen stiff Star Sanses. "can you stand?" He asked Error, despite not looking at the wounded Sans. His sockets were still on Ink, daring him to make a move. ("yes.") "y-es."
"then let's get out of here." Reaper waited until Error was up and making a portal to the Anti-Void before taking his own way there. He didn't have the patience to deal with the Star Sanses and Error needed him more at the moment.

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