Together (Reap)

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Reaper's soul pounded with nervous excitement. He was finally going to do it! ("you and me..?") "y-ou an-d m-me..?" Error stuttered. Reaper nodded slowly. "yeah, i- uh, first i wanna say that i won't force you into anything you don't want to do... but, uh, i've... liked you for... heh, for awhile now.. and.. i guess i wanted to let you know that and was wondering... if maybe... you felt anything towards me..?" Reper pulled nervously at the sleeves of his robe and avoided eye contact. As the silence stretched on, so did Reaper's negative thoughts on the matter. What was he thinking, there was no way anyone, ESPECIALLY Error, would have positive emotions towards him! It was a miracle that he loved him as Geno, there was no way that was happening a second time- ("i think i... like you too.. reap..") "i- i th-ink i... l-ike yo-u t-oo.. r-ea-p.." Reaper sucked in a breath. "r-really? y-you mean it..?" Error thought about the familiarity he felt towards Reaper, how he felt safe and protected around Reaper, how Reaper HAD saved him... how he was comfortable with Reaper touching him.


("let's... do it. us.") "let-s... do i-it. u-s." Error scooted closer to Reaper, hugging onto him. Reaper never felt happier than he did right now as he hugged Error back. It was happening, they were getting together! "... you don't know how long i've been hoping you'd say that.." He pressed his foreskull against Error's. "can i, um, kiss you? again you don't have to if you-" Error closed the gap, pressing his teeth against Reaper's. Again Reaper found himself surprised. He pressed closer to Error, simply enjoying the feel of love and affection. The same he'd felt with Geno, which didn't surprise him since it was somewhat Geno. Reaper pulled away when Error's glitches were getting bad. "i don't want my err to crash~" Reaper purred, leaning back on the white 'floor' of the Anti-Void. ("these are happy glitches.") "th-e-se- a--e h-pp- gl--ch-s." Error barely managed to reply. Reaper snickered after a moment. "happy glitches, huh? well happy glitches, i, unfortunately, have to go, but i'll see you tomorrow~" Reaper got up, dusting himself off. "i love you, err." Error blushed, not used to those words being said to him. ("i love you too.") "i l-ov-e y-yo-u t-oo."


Reaper knew he had to tell him now. Error had to know about his life as Geno. The life before. He knew he should've told Error a long time ago. He didn't know why he didn't. Maybe he wanted to know him as Error, not as Geno. Maybe he was scared that Error would be mad for some reason? "BROTHER, WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND?" Papyrus asked, making Reaper jump. "huh, oh uh, heh... i, uh, i was thinking about a friend." Papyrus frowned then smiled eagerly. "A CLOSE FRIEND?" Reaper chuckled. "only recently. he- i can touch him without him, ya know. he's not dead either." Papyrus gasped in excitement. "REALLY?! IS THAT WHY YOU'VE BEEN... HAPPIER?" Reaper paused and sighed. "yeah, yeah he is. sorry that i haven't been... happy. i-"
"yeah, i gotta tell him something, but i don't how he will take it." Reaper murmured. "... YOU CAN'T KEEP HIM IN THE DARK, BROTHER, FRIENDS DON'T KEEP SECRETS."
"i know bro... i know."

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