Time (Reap)

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Slowly, ever so slowly, they worked on Error's problems. His self-esteem first and his haphephobia a few weeks after. It didn't go very well at all. The first time Reaper touched him, just a gentle tap on his arm, but Error treated it like he was dying. First he'd froze, then he screamed, loud and high pitched, like nails on a chalkboard. It was heavily glitched too. Then he was on the ground, unconscious. He knew right then that this was going to be a LOT harder then his self-esteem problems. "if he keeps reacting like that... i should've given more of a warning... i'll have to be more careful with him in the future." So Reaper waited anxiously for Error to reboot. ("ugh..") "u-gh.." And when he did, "i'm so sorry, error, i didn't think it'd be... that... bad." Error groaned again. ("i shouldhave been prepared... we've been talking about it for awhile.") "i-i sh-oul-d h-ave bee-n pre-par-ed... we-ve be-en ta-lkin-g ab-out it fo-r awh-ile."
"still, i'm sorry." Reaper apologized again. ("this was never going to be easy, reap.") "th-is wa-s ne-ver go-ing to be-e eas-y, rea-p." Error replied, holding himself close.


"i'm going to touch you, error." Was what Reaper always forewarned Error since, allowing for him to brace himself. He's been lasting longer, though he had a long ways to go. He could only last fifteen minutes of Reaper making some sort of contact. Sometimes they held hands, which admittedly made Reaper happy. Sometimes it was just pats on the head, shoulder, or back. Error actually hugged Reaper once, though both were a blushing mess afterwards. Reaper had been very happy that night. He'd been thinking about just confessing, he missed Error as Geno, but he truly was starting to love him as Error, flaws and all. It didn't matter that Error destroyed or occasionally worked with Nightmare or made enemies with the Star Sanses. First though, he wanted to figure out this touch thing. He jolted as Error touched his shoulder. "hm?"
("you were staring off. are you ok?") "y-ou we-re sta-ring of-f. a-re yo-u ok?" He asked in concern. Reaper was touched that Error was concerned in the first place. "i'm fine, don't worry about it. i was just thinking about your progress over the past month, i'm proud!" Error ducked away bashfully. ("thanks..") "th-than-ks.."


Time continued. They were still working on the touch thing but Reaper found himself alone in the Anti-Void with a note one day.

"hey reap,

sorry for the short notice, but nightmare needs me for some damn job or another. i'll be back in a few days or so, hopefully with good news about the contact thing. bleh. anyways, don't get to lonely without me buddy, ok?

your friend, error."

It was sweet of him to write a note. Still Reaper sighed. A few days without Error was going to be rough. He already missed him greatly, though that was likely just the prospect of the wait he was going to have to endure... of course... he could always just invite himself over. He contemplated that for awhile, actually, but decided against it. It seemed to him that Error was using this as a test of sorts on how far he'd gotten on his haphephobia. Reaper didn't want to interrupt that. Maybe he could pick him up in a few days and if things went well... he would confess.

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