Time (Err)

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Gaining a higher sense of self-esteem was one thing, but Error's fear of touch was completely different. The first time Reaper touched Error, he wasn't ready in the slightest. At first he completely panicked, he'd froze, then he screamed, loud and high pitched, like nails on a chalkboard. It was heavily glitched too. Then he was on the ground, unconscious. He began to reboot immediately, thank stars, but still it wasn't his finest moment and he was dreading the next time around. ("ugh..") "u-gh.." When he did reboot, Reaper was an endless stream of apologies. "i'm so sorry, error, i didn't think it'd be... that... bad." Error groaned again. ("i should have been prepared... we've been talking about it for awhile.") "i-i sh-oul-d h-ave bee-n pre-par-ed... we-ve be-en ta-lkin-g ab-out it fo-r awh-ile."
"still, i'm sorry." Reaper apologized again. ("this was never going to be easy, reap.") "th-is wa-s ne-ver go-ing to be-e eas-y, rea-p." Error replied, holding himself close for a bit more comfort.


"i'm going to touch you, error." Reaper quickly got into a habit of warning Error beforehand so that it wasn't so bad. He could better prepare himself this way. Error was getting better slowly and he knew it was making Reaper happy... and when Reaper was happy... he felt happy. He could last fifteen minutes now, which was a miracle in itself. Admittedly, Error liked it when they held hands. It was comfortable, familiar. He managed to get himself to hug Reaper once as well. He liked that too. He and Reaper had both been blushing when he did that. Did Reaper get the same feeling that Error did around him? Error glanced at Reaper who had this (cute) far off look that he tended to have when he was deep in thought. Error felt his cheekbones heat up just a little. Reaper jolted as Error touched his shoulder. "hm?"
("you were staring off. are you ok?") "y-ou we-re sta-ring of-f. a-re yo-u ok?" He asked in concern. Reaper looked happy that Error was concerned. "i'm fine, don't worry about it. i was just thinking about your progress over the past month, i'm proud!" Error ducked away bashfully. ("thanks..") "th-than-ks.."


It had been awhile since Nightmare had been to Error's Anti-Void and the glitch wasn't particularly happy to see him. ("what do you want?") "w-hat do y-ou wa-nt?" Nightmare looked up at him from his place in his web of strings. "nice to see you too. i have a job for you." Nothing more needed to be said, Error waved Nightmare off. ("i'll be there.") "i-ll be th-er-e." Error didn't want to leave without Reaper knowing, so he left his friend(?) a note.

"hey reap,

sorry for the short notice, but nightmare needs me for some damn job or another. i'll be back in a few days or so, hopefully with good news about the contact thing. bleh. anyways, don't get to lonely without me buddy, ok?

your friend, error."

With that all set, Error went to Nightmare's castle where he was given the details of the job, nothing too big, just some special code he wanted his goopy tentacles on and many to murder while he was at it. Error could do that and more. Upon stepping out of the throne room he found Dust doing terrible impressions of him. Yeah, he decked Dust for that.

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