Date with Death (Err)

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Time went on. Eventually the whole Multiverse learned of the Destroyer's relationship with the God of Death. It didn't bother Error none though, he was allowed to have some sort of happiness in his life. Reaper didn't seem to care either. They were both feared, so it wasn't like anyone dared to stop them when they came into an au. Error leaned into Reaper with their arms linked as they walked to where all this first started. The pair sat onto the grass and looked up at the stars, enjoying their beauty, but they could never compare to Reaper. "to think that you actually jumped that day... i don't know what i would've done if i lost you.." Reaper muttered, with a slight hint of depression in his voice. ("... i'm glad you caught me that day. this is so much better than death.") "... i-i am gl-ad y-ou cau-ght me th-at da-y. th-is is s-so mu-ch be-tt-er th-an de-ath." Reaper chuckled. "but i am death~" He poked at Error who swatted him away. Error couldn't hold his scowl for long though, Reaper was just two cute to resist. ("uhg, stop being too cute!") "u-hg, st-op b-ein-g t-oo c-ut-e!" Error complained to which Reaper fluttered his sockets teasingly.


Ok, not EVERYONE feared the DestructiveDeath couple. The Star Sanses faced them, but only once. Reaper and Error were getting candy from Sugartale when the Stars came, expecting Error's destruction. Error tensed prepared to summon his magic. ("what do you fools want?") "w-wh-at do y-ou f-oo-ls wa-nt?" Error really didn't want a fight, not while he was enjoying a nice sweet date with Reaper. "what did you do to reaper? did you cast a spell on him to bring him to your side? he's supposed to be neutral." Ink emphasized, pulling out Brushy for a fight. Ink had to be the stupidest Skeleton in the world to Error. Seriously, how dumb could he get. Error felt a hand on his shoulder before things could escalate further. Error glanced back to see Reaper, his eyelights blacked out as he gave the Stars a pokerface expression. "let's go home, err, we don't need to start anything." Error watched as Reap opened a portal. "oh." Reaper turned to the Stars. "and for the record, just because we're dating, doesn't mean i'm on his side." It was true, Reaper was still neutral and Error didn't push for him to choose sides.


Error had been nervous when Reaper followed Error to the Castle on his last mission. Nightmare and the boys had stared at the Painful God of Death and Error had immediately shielded his mate from their vicious glares and subtle preparations of attack. ("you touch him, i ' l l b r e a k y o u . . ") "y-ou tou-ch hi-m, i - l l b r - e a - k y - o u . . " Error not so subtly threatened. The Murder Time Trio flinched back, knowing that Error could easily trounce them. Nightmare regarded them with curiosity. "why are you here?" Error felt Reaper wrap his arms around his waist as Reaper propped his chin on Error. "to reap souls, obviously. i have to deal with them eventually anyway, so might as well get in there as soon as you're done." Nightmare looked to Error and gave a single nod, allowing Error to relax into his mate. Reaper chuckled at Error. "just don't forget your task with him around." Nightmare warned. ("you're so lucky that you're important to the balances.") "y-ou-re s-o lu-ck-y th-at you-re im-por-tant to th-e bal-anc-es." Reaper grinned. "i know."

3 chapters left

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