○A Hero is born○ (part. 2)

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(Slight cursing)

"YING OH GOSH YOU SCARED ME ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!!!" I questioned in worry her eyes were back to normal but her expression seemed like she was spooked to death, there was a moment of silence while i was focused on driving Ying spoke.
"Im cursed...?"

(3rd POV)

Ying was in confusion even was Mk "You didn't know you had a curse?" Mk worriedly questioned to his friend, they have known each other since they were little and this was to confusing it was like Mk just saw a whole other side of her. All of a sudden, a huge boom can be heard from the construction site Ying looked back to see what was happening only see a giant truck come out of the round where the elevator once was.

(Ying POV)

"HOLY SHIT, MK DRIVE FASTER!" I shouted "IM TRYING!" Mk said in worry turning left in the alleyway right, behind you was still the truck but coming in closer "Alright Noodle boy hand it over" I watched Mk opening to box of noodles looking glum "I'm sorry valued customer, you won't be getting your noodles"  leaning out of the cart ready to aim the noodles at Red Son " MK,THE CART!" i shouted taking the wheel so we don't crash i look behind me to see Mk aimed the noodles at the windshield "TAKE THAT SUCKER" Mk Shouted at him. He then used his windshield wiper to get rid of the noodles that were on the windshield "FIN HAVE IT YOUR WAY!" Fire then started to come out of the side windows of the car "AH YOUR REALLY SCARY!!" Mk said with the staff extending forward lifting us in the air again. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" We both screamed Mk now back in his seat taking the wheel. We bounced rooftop to rooftop. "Wold you get down here so i can kill You Noodle Boy and You crazy woman" "NEVER!" I shouted blowing a raspberry at him. Before i could see his reaction we fell threw the roof and into a house "I'm Sorry!!" Mk apologising to the woman who looked so petrified. At last we got out of the building thinking that we were clear to drive "I think we lost him!" Mk said in a relief. The cart started to make noises "Are you kidding me!!" I whined knowing the cart ran out of gas which turned out with the cart deflated. "Oh come on, come on old girl, you got this, oh don't do this to us!!" Mk said "Pigsy is gonna kill us.." I said scratching the back of my neck . We then heard an engine for  behind us. I turn to see a different car with Red Son in it, he then letted out a loud chuckle sending shivers down my spine "GO, GO, MK!" I shouted as we ran away.

"˙héLp?" Seriously this voice wont leave me alone "HOW ABOUT YOU HELP ME WITH MY POWERS VOICE INSTEAD OF TAKING OVER MY BODY!!" I shouted taking a kids hoverborad promising I'll give it back "So sorry we really need to borrow this. Bye!" Mk said doing the same thing "ƒøçüs on †hé éñé®g¥ †o üñløçk Yøü® pøwé® " the voice replied  i tried my best to focus on the 'energy' whatever that voice meant. I was close until Red Son spoke "IM COMING TO GET YOU NOODLE BOY AND CURSED SNAKE GIRL!" My blood started to boil from what he called me as "OH SHUT IT!" I yelled feeling a lot of energy in my right hand "Lé† î† øü†..." i didn't bother even looking at the source of energy in hand and fired at him letting out a foggy white snake lunged at the car but only pushed him away to not let him catch up "THAT WAS SO COOL!!" Mk said stars in his eyes we were soon out of the alleyway. I noticed that Red Son car got stuck 'I mean that's what happens when you don't have a complex transformation' i thought. I turned forward as Mk let out a giggle and shouted "See ya!".

(A few seconds later)

As things started to settle down, me and Mk headed up the high way failing to see the sign "UNDER CONSTRUCTION ". We heard a faint small zooming coming from behind us, to our surprise it was Red Son...again but instead in a car it was a Go-Cart his eyes letting out flames. "Come on, where did you get that?!" "What? You think that I'd drive anything that doesn't have at least on complex transformation?!" He replied showing a blueprint of the car. "WE SHOULD"VE DONE THAT WITH THE CART!!" I whined throwing my hands up in the air. We then heard the engine roar to get us to focus on the problem. I look to see that the car flew over us, and landed on us multiple times as it destroyed the hoverboard in pieces. It finally stopped as we landed on something moving I thought that we were out of danger until i saw that e were on top of truck. Mk and I looked up ahead seeing the sign that said "ROAD CLOSED". . . . "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" We both screamed in unison holding each other for dear life.

{A sight to behold} (LMK x Oc) (Redson x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now