| ~ A secret to be kept and not told ~ |

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[TW: Swearing, Blood, Gore?]

[Mingzu POV]

"You seem distracted." I said sitting on a bean bag while watching little flower punching the punching bag I got in my room (Yes she has her own room in Yings apartment) "Not at all." She huffed swinging a kick to the punching bag, I hummed knowing something is wrong "Break." "But I-" "You need to tell me what's going on little flower." I sighed getting up from the bean bag taking the punching bag back to the corner in my room "Plus, I need to check that wound while we're at it" I stated gesturing her to follow me to the living room so I can be able to check on it.

She groaned stomping to the couch laying herself down "So you gonna tell me properly what happened while you were at spider queen hideout?" I questioned getting some bandages from the kitchen cupboard "It was basically living through hell to be honest.." "Mhm." "Got this cut from falling into one of the spikes she had there which fingers crossed, it will look cool once it's not bandaged up all the time" "I hope so" chuckled unwrapping the bloody bandage to check on the wound "Annnddd, yea, we got out of her hideout" "Your not telling me everything." I sighed wrapping now a new bandage on the wound, " It's just that..." Ying said lifting herself up now in a sitting position "Spider Queen was wanting me to be her helper and on how it can be a huge help for her to take over the world, but you didn't tell me I can kill immortals Mingzu" She continued having a confused expression " I was going to tell you later on during training session but since you brought it up now, yes you can be able to kill immortals" I replied packing up the med kit putting it back where it was "Mingzu." "Hm?" I hummed sitting back on the couch with her "Spider Queen also mentioned how she couldn't bare having such an awful curse if she did take the power away from me, what will the curse do to me that is so awful?" I froze "Do you really want to know?" I questioned if she is willing to know what will happen soon, She nodded willing to know "As you may know you have a curse, the white snake curse has never been called upon nor casted to anybody in years, or so they thought, you were casted with the curse ever since you were an infant Ying." I stated "The curse is only to be revealed once you were old enough for me to reveal myself to you as a voice but now, I am allowed to reveal myself in my form. Remember when you asked me about your dreams before when we started your first day at the dojo?" She tilted her head in confusion on why i was bringing that up "Yea, what about it?" Ying questioned.

"That my little flower, is the first step of this awful curse, It shows you sometimes good memories of your life but mostly bad stuff that began during you childhood, in fact it will even show you my memories i had when i wasn't turned into a curse." "So, this thing just replays my childhood? Why?" "Again, this is the first step of the curse it wants you to be full of fear every time you have these dreams, the more you scared the more its greedy, soon it will begin wanting to take over your body sometimes wanting to cause chaos or would be craving something to eat, something that not every citizen would eat....humans" I answered a bit angry on why these stupid celestial gods would choose this thing to affect the curse and her. I look to see her expression now horrified starting to tremble by thinking of it, I put my arm on her shoulder to calm her down " Thats why im here to help, even if the celestial gods think it's crazy for me to now as a curse, it wont stop me from protecting you" I reassured, her eyes started getting glossy ready to burst into tears 'Poor little flower..' I quickly pulled her into a hug "There, there..." I whispered in her ear patting her head as she hugged back but her grip was tighter "I-i don't want to hurt my friends nor you!" She stuttered sobbing on my shoulder still holding on to me.

"I know Ying, I know.. but I assure you that you won't, once it begins onto that stage i will do everything in my power to make it stop." I cupped her cheeks seeing her cheeks all puffy now from crying " I promise, as long as im here no one will hurt you.." I softly smiled wiping the tears on her cheeks. "Your like a daughter to me, you know?" I giggled. Ying chuckled by my statement "Heh, yea I know" She answered feeling a better now with the reassurance that i will help. "I have to keep this a secret don't I?" Ying questioned "Im afraid so." I sighed ' lets just hope nothing goes wrong...'

[872 words]

(Sorry if i took a while for this chapter 🧍‍♂️)

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