「Bad Weather」(Part 2)

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"It was nice talking to you..Ying" He thanked "Same here Red Son, I'm just...gonna rest....for a while.." I sleepily said now asleep.

(Slight cursing and Gore now)

(Ying POV)
"STOP GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Shouted a woman's voice, i was back here again the same place before but now this is different I tried to follow where the voice was coming from until... "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND SHE IS NOW A CURSED CHILD LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" I turned to see a man yelling at a woman "IT WAS ONLY TO KEEP HER ALIVE AND YOU KNOW IT!!" Screamed the woman in verge of tears I looked at her hands to see blood covering it all over them "BUT THAT DOSE NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD HAVE AGREED FOR A BABY, OUR BABY, TO KEEP THEM ALIVE BY GIVING THEM A CURSE! SHE WILL KILL US NOW. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN!!" The man said also in tears having something in their hands " I COULD NOT STAND BY WATCHING MY DAUGHTER DIE AS AN INFANT,————" I couldn't hear what she said at the end, everything started to go blurry and it felt like something was aching my head horribly right now, I tried to focus on regaining my strength but it made me weak into the knees. I collapsed on the black ink surface now  finally with that headache stopping "shh,it's okay, it's okay mummy is here..." shushed the same woman voice I look up to see her again but now cradling something in her arms I tried to get up but it felt like I couldn't move just stuck "I'm sorry my dear girl...." The woman shakily said hugging the thing she was cradling in her arms she placed this thing in the basket making me to a have a view on what it was 'A baby??' I thought so much things piled up in my head. The woman wiped her tears knocking on the wooden door that was in-front of the baby in the basket and ran off. "What...?" I mumbled to myself watching as the door opened but I couldn't see who it was to see the see the same snake now towering over me choking my shaking body with its tail "ŸØŪ!!" The snake spoke doing the same thing from before.
(Present time)

"AH!!" I screamed now awake tears rolling down my face realising I was still tied up "Woah there kiddo,you okay?" Pigsy said still tied up "I-I...I'm okay, just a bad dream...what did I miss?" "A lot." Mei said before I was about to question what she meant by that until I heard a scream slowly coming louder as with a Red Son falling to the ground "You may have won this round, but your still garbage!" He said disappearing in a fire tornado. "Let's get this place back to normal " Mk said hitting some buttons and switches setting everything back to the way it was "And that should do it" He announced untying the ropes that were on me. "Mk!" Mei shouted as her and Sandy landed on top of him "Oh, you really did limit your powers." Mei said in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah until I control them better." "And how are you going to do that?" Pigsy questioned. "Practise, practise, practise" He replied bumping the staff on his head by accident we all then laughed by his antics. "Welp! Last one back at Pigsy is a rotten egg~!!" I giggled dashing off "HEY WAIT UP!!" I heard Mk and Mei shout trying to catch up.

[Few hours later]

I flopped myself on my comfy mattress "Today has been quite a day.." I said 'mhm..now rest you'll need it for tomorrow' Mingzu replied "Hey uh..can I ask a favour form you...?" I questioned only hearing Mingzu hum as a reply of sure "I have had these weird dreams lately and would always be cut off with a snake killing me, so could it be possible if you can help me with them?" It was silent for a while "Mingzu..?" 'Just rest Ying, I can't really explain it to you now, maybe next time....see you in the morning.' Mingzu sighed. I hummed resting my eyes dozing off to sleep.


(720 words)

(Huh.. well this was a quick one. Anyway hope you guys have a good day/night! :D )

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