ーComing Homeー (Part 1)

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(Slight cursing)


In the distance was a shadow watching them three from afar "found you~..." grinned the shadow.

(Ying POV)

Another day with Mei beating Mk at Monkey Mech. "Mwhahahaha! Punch all you want Mk, you'll never beat my ancient gallop fury power." She said playing calmly, Mk on the other hand kept struggling and spamming the buttons. "Up smash, UP SMASH" Sandy offering Mk help "IM TRYING SANDY, OKAY, IM TRYING!!!" He shouted still struggling. "You doing great Mei!" I rooted "WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" Mk groaned looking back at me, "Mwhahaha! No one can defeat! Ho Ho Ho!" She laughed in victory. A ring then interrupted her pulling her phone out not looking really happy on who it was "Oh boy.." she said walking off to answer the phone, I look back seeing Mk being cheeky continuing playing the Monkey Mech while Mingzu just watched him a bit disappointed "Really Mk?" Mingzu said "What?" He said dumbfounded, i sighed walking to Mei seeing if anything is alright. "Yes. Of course. N-no I-" Mei then sighs " Yes Mother" she then hung up the phone. "You doing okay Mei?" I questioned rubbing her back "Yeah are you okay there Mei?" Sandy agreed also asking too.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hehe. It's just-" Mei was then interrupted by the victory sound from the arcade game "Monkey finishing move Ha ha ha ha ha!" Mk laughed matching with the video game character who was aswell "My parents, they want met to house sit." Mei said. "Then...that's a bad thing?" Sandy questioned "No! Hehe. But me and my parents, w-" "Uh did Mei say...sleepover at her house!" Mk interrupted "Wha?! No! My parents would wa-" "SLEEPOVER!!" Mk butted "I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret dragon house, full of secret dragon stuff" Mk whispered to himself. "Come on please! Please please, please, please!" Mk said making puppy eyes. "Sleepover it is." Mei said a bit disappointed she fell for the puppy eyes. "Aw yeah! This sleepover is going to be amazing! You know what, ima bring my Monkey Kid DVD's so then we could have a marathon" "You really are a Monkey King fan boy huh?" Mingzu chuckled by Mk childish antics "Wait, THIS IS GONNA BE YOUR FIRST EVER SLEEPOVER MINGZU!! " Mk shouted jumping up and down "Actually I'll be at Yings place, you kids have fun at your sleepover" Mingzu apologised "AW MAN!" Mk whined. I had a feeling we were being watched from behind so I turned around to see someone wearing a conical Asian hat also wearing a magenta cape having the DBK insignia ' this is going to be interesting...' I thought. "Watcha staring at little flower?" Mingzu startling me a bit "For fuck sake never do that again Mingzu" I said playing it off like I didn't see anything "Ha! Sorry it's a habit of mine" She shrugged ruffling my hair a bit.

[Timskip to Mei House]

We finally made it to Mei house I must say it's really nice here. "WHOA!!" Mk and Sandy shouted form the sight of the house. "Oh! It's even better than I thought! Growing up here must have been great!!" Mk said full of excitement even Sandy and Mo was. Mei on the other hand had a frown on her face "Uh,hehe. Yeah I guess. Uh but I don't know. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be rough and tumble, break stuff, look at bugs, you know have fun. Just like, normal girl stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient, noble dragons, that's kind of, frowned on." She said in a upset tone while i just patted her on the head to at least cheer her up.

"Anyway, onwards to the definitely not gonna be terrible sleepover." she said trying to force enthusiasm in her voice, but when she said sleepover, the boys just ran off to the front door. Mei then sighed. "Just try to relax, if one of them do something messed up, like breaking something, leave it to me i have a bit of technique with fixing things so don't stress yourself out." I said while putting my hand on her shoulder. We then heard the house defense sequence activate. Both me and Mei ran over and Mei punched the numbers in to turn it off. It then deactivated. "Ha my parents are a bit serious about the old security thing." Mei said as the doors were opening. "Welcome home, Mei" the house computer said. When the doors opened, the boys were amazed at the sight.

"Yeah." Mei said. In the hall, there where multiple ancient dragon like stuff and multiple dragon-like armor. "This. Is. AMAZING!" Mk said. "Whoa!" Sandy said. "What is all this stuff?" Sandy asked. "Oh you know, gifts, artifacts, offerings." I said. "Yeah, just stuff that's been in my family for-" Mei said before she was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering. Me and Mei gasped to see Sandy and Mk zooming around in the hall touching stuff their not suppose to. "Guys!" Me  and Mei shouted "If I had all this stuff, I don't even know what I would do! Sell it, probably!" Mk said while jump on an armor stand with dragon armor, picking up
a golden ax and pulled his arms back like as if he's going to throw it, but made go into the head part of the armor stand, and broke the metal handle that connected the sharp part of the ax. The boys kept on touching things as we try to put it back and make it seem like nobody touched it. "Yeah, this stuff looks really great. Well looks like a few good years, maybe. Or centuries." Sandy said while picking up a small dragon piller that was as tall as him. "Sandy put that down you might break it!" I shouted at Sandy but he didn't pay attention to me. "G-guys w-wait." Mei stuttered. "STOP!!" Shouted which echoed through the place "HAND IN POCKETS NOW!" Mei shouted Sandy and Mk stopped what they were doing standing still like if they were in a army.

"Follow me." Mei sighed leading the way "Next time try not to break things that are not yours and belong to a dragon family" I sighed noticing they were still frightened. I looked behind us to see the general again here 'The fuck how did he get here earlier?' I thought. The general noticed that I saw him which I decided to give him a hand signal which was my thumb slid across my throat 'You. are. dead.' I mouthed pointing at the general.

(1126 words)

(Hope all of you are doing well this morning or night : D )

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