ーComing Homeー (Part 2)

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(Slight cursing)


The general noticed that I saw him which I decided to give him a hand signal which was my thumb slid across my throat 'You. are. dead.' I mouthed pointing at the general.
(Ying POV)

"This is the garage, filled with all the awesome things that I'm not allowed to drive." Mei said, showing all of us the room. "This is one of our many long hallways, we also have the celestial jade garden, the room with the 30 centuries of antiques, pool of a thousand tears, tea in sack." She said while going to these places. "And, my bedroom." She said showing her bedroom that is different from all the other rooms. "And this is the dragon claw chamber." she said as she walked past by the room with the dragon blade. The blade then glimmered, catching Mk's attention. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up!" he said right next to me, while I stood there in the middle of the doorway. Mk then had stars in his eyes from the discovery of seeing the dragon blade, he then chuckled. "Now this things is cool!" he said right
next to me in front of the dragon blade and Sandy being amazed on the left side. "So, what's the dealeo, with this deal yo." Mk questioned as he poked the sword.  "Oh, that's the sword of my great, great, great, time some thousand great grandfather, the Dragon of the West. Legends say that my grandfather embedded it with unimaginable power so then our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. Its true power will only show itself to those who deemed worthy. A true member of our clan, who's proven themselves, strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil." Mei said telling the story of the dragon blade. "Whoa!" Mk said, from the amazing story. "But I'm not allowed to touch it" Mei said "Well that's bullshit" I mumbled. "Hey anyone want to see the game room?" Mei shouted. Mk and Sandy laughed in excitement and joy. "Alright!" "Aw yeah!" Mk and Sandy said at the same time. I saw that Mei turned her head to look at the tapestry of the past holders of the dragon blade. I walked over and patted her shoulder and said "Hey, its going to be okay Mei." I said lying to not tell her about the shit that's going to go down soon. "Yeah, yeah your right." She said as she gave me a small smile. "Well then come on lets go to the game room!" Mei and Mk shouted.

The boys were introduced to the pinball machine that was precious to Mei's dad. The were amazed at the sight, but I was on edge, thinking to myself that I need to hurry before it's to late. "A PINBALL MACHINE!! I've always wanted to one of these!" Mk said like as if his life is now whole "Yeah, now this place is home.' " Mei said with her hands behind her head. "Alright you three, boot up the TV, I will go get us some sn-n-n-n-n-n-nacks!" Mei said, trying to hype us up for the sleepover. "Um, Mei. I'm actually coming with you just in case if you need comfort." I said, lying to her didn't seem right to me but I had to. "Well, okay! Come on Ying!" She shouted. "Okay don't break anything while were gone!" The both of us shouted. Me and Mei were zooming threw the halls. "Party. For games. Snacks." Mei shouted as we were getting closer to the dragon claw chamber. "Bull clone." Mei said as she past the room "Uh, what?" I lying dumbfounded as the general at looked at me and Mei standing there."What A Minute You're A Bull Clone!" Mei shouted and pointed to the general and dropping the party snacks, Then he threw his hat at my fucking face! "God Dammit!" I shouted as he grabbed the sword off the dragon pedestal and ran off. "Hey Get Back Here!" Me and Mei shouted as we ran after him. As the three of us turned to the hallway, He broke the pottery that was in his way, but the ones that survived were thrown into the air but also had some broken pieces. Me and Mei tried to saved them but the were slowing us down. He then busted threw a wall head first, into the garage. I saw that he stole a motor cycle. 'So first he came into Mei's house unannounced, then stole the dragon blade, and now he's stealing one of her family's bikes?! That's It! Oh ho ho, time to kill that son of a bitch!' I shouted in my head as I dropped the pottery out of shock and anger, but for Mei, it was just shock, then slowly got angry. Mei whistled for her bike as I also did for mine aswell (Ying and Mei kinda got like the same motorcycle that can do that shit). Mei just busted threw a wall and transformed into her motor cycle outfit with helmet, and zoomed off 'I need to update mine so it could do that' I thought putting my helmet and catching up to her.

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