'.~Duplication~.' (Part 3)

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"Be a good boy and don't be in my business..." I smiled walking away "Oh i wont be in yours...i'll be in hers..." Macaque grinned once Mingzu left...

(Ying POV)

I woke up quite early checking to see where Mingzu was 'where is she...?' I thought getting out of my sleeping bag checking inside the temple "Mingzu??" "I'm outside!" Mingzu spoke in a happy tone "But where?" I questioned, next thing I knew, a snake appeared underneath which made me on it on the back taking me outside at the back of the temple there were a few stairs leading down somewhere which I didn't notice when we arrived.

the snake then slithered down the stairs leading me to a hot spring bath, the rocks were covered in vines as the water gushed down on one making the air steamy "Heh seems you didn't take a look around when we arrived, hm?" A voice chuckled in the spring bath I couldn't see anything yet from all the steam but then it became clear for me to see. There was Mingzu relaxing in the hot spring bath water with a wet cloth on her forehead most of the water covering up to her chest "I thought we were training" I spoke dumbfounded "Well we are, its called relaxing, besides you were beating yourself yesterday at training so i think you at least deserve to relax mkay?" She reassured. I sighed walking to a bushes to take off my clothes there "If you say so". After i finished taking my clothes off i stepped into the spring bath.

"Ahhh~, this feels nice" I said relaxing in the water "mhm" Mingzu agreed "quick question, since when did you get a lotus tattoo?" She smiled tilting her head "Oh! I had it when i was able to live on my own, so i decided to get a lotus tattoo" I smiled showing her the white outlined tattoo that was on my back "A flower symbolising purity and elegance, i like it" Mingzu said as she looked at the details in the lotus tattoo I giggled at her statement now resting my back onto the large rock that was being me while i was relaxing in the hot spring.

"How do you know Lady Iron fan?" I hummed "we have been friends since we were young so basically i was mostly there for most her life marrying DBK, having RedSon those kinds of things." She replied then started to chuckle "i even remember Redson when he was a little boy calling me Aunty Mingzu" "AWW HOW CUTEE" I cooed "it was cute! You should've seen him when he realised what he called me he was so embarrassed" Mingzu laughed "I wish to see them again though, but properly not with any fights just a reunion.." she said sighing to herself "Well why not do that!" I smiled "You can ask Lady Iron Fan if you could come over for tea and talk!" I suggested "hm.. i'll think about that idea" Mingzu replied rinsing her face with the damped cloth she had.

[Few Hours Later]

Once we were done in the hot spring and training we then headed back into the city, once we were walking an worried Mk starts running to me half of his hair on the side gone "YING,MINGZU THANK GOODNESS YOU GUYS ARE HERE I NEED YOUR HELP REAL QUICK!!" He said "What is it?" Mingzu questioned "W-well i used some of my hair to make duplicates of myself to make it easier for me to rest and well...it backfired" He said rubbing the back of his neck "Oh boy..." Mingzu muttered "D-Dont worry i know how to get rid of them!" He reassured "Well that's one good thing" "Okay where do we go to find the other clone?" I questioned "At Sandy place" "Well lets go" Mingzu said clapping her hands together already running off to Snadys place.

Once we got there to see sandy tied up and the other mk now painting the cargo ship with a bit of paint on his hair and clothes. Me and Mingzu untied Sandy and with Mk deafting the other mk which just poofed away leaving strands of hair on the ground "Okay where to next?" Mingzu said finally releasing the knot on the rope that was on Sandy "To the Arcade!" He replied now taking off while we follow him. At the arcade it seemed to be quite in there "Are you sure a clone is in here Kid,it looks like there isn't any Mk cl-" "OHOHO OG MK IN THE HOUSE YALL" Shouts a voice making "I spoke to soon.." Mingzu mumbled "I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEAN WHERE IS MEI?!" Mk shouted back at the DJ Mk some walls then open up revealing a giant claw machine with Mei inside "Hey Mk, mystic monkey business?" Mei asks tied up on the claw "Yea" Mk replied Mk then launches himself to glas of the claw machine until more clones of him attack him, but he then put his hands in front making a yellow puff making the clones disappear in strands
Of hair again.

Mei and Mk defeat the last clone Mingzu walks up to Mk slapping the back of his head "So you were stressing yourself were you?" Mingzu said a bit pissed "ehe, sorry i just didn't want to let anyone down so i thought i could use the clones to be there to make them happy and well...that didn't work" Mk said hanging his head a bit down "Your not letting anyone down Mk, we will understand if you need a break okay?" Mingzu hummed pulling him into a hug. 'AWWW' I thought happily seeming Mk comfortable in Mingzu hug. "Okay Mingzu" He smiled "Quick question what about your half bald hair" "I got it!" Mei said holding some glue in her hands she plopped some on his head then starts to play some on his hair creating it like a beard on her face "ew mei thats gross" I laughed "hm not bad my boy" Mei spoke stroking the beard, we all laughed together heading out of the arcade and walking home.

(3rd POV)
In the distance was a shadow watching them three from afar "found you~..." grinned the shadow.
(1061 words)
(I might need to take breaks this week since i have to do alot of stuff rn so yea :D )

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