= Noodles or Death = (Part 1)

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(Tw: Cursing, Blood)

(Ying POV)

"Now this is a beautiful carrot! And were golden" Pigsy said showing a carrot proudly "It must be the same 20,000 carrot WE'VE LOOKED AT !" Tang said annoyed "True.." I grumbled not really having any energy left in me, 'I can't believe Mingzu made me stay up the whole night for training reasons...'. "Give me that! I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a fine carrot like this! You ain't no culinary genius! Ha ha, Like me!" Pigsy stated "Yea..yea" I rolled my eyes. "My..my, my... you boys make quite a scene" a woman said coming from the shadows in her stall. She had green eyes matching the necklace around her neck , purple skin and raven hair some of it in a hairpiece she had. "Looking to buy some ingredients? Something tasty? You've come to the right place" she said as she flirted with Tang but he didn't give two shits about it "Pigsy I don't trust her. We should keep moving" Tang said " You got beautiful vegetables today?" Pigsy ignored Tang scooting himself to the woman stall, I looked into the boxes to see nothing in them.

"Are you blind?" Me and Tang said in union "That's right sugar, you came to the finest shop in the whole market. Why don't you come around back and look at my exclusive wares" she said backing into the shadows once again, Pigsy followed her while me and Tang followed him "PIGSY WAIT" Tang shouted while we ran after him. "A little closer...A little closer" she said as we stopped I looked down to see we were standing beneath a trap door "SON OF A BI-" Before I could finish my statement the trap door opened underneath us "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" We screamed in fear as darkness surrounded us, everything started to be muffled then to silence.


"Ying! Wait up!" Shouted a voice making me wake up to look around to be in a lane? "Hehe! Come on cousin, you have been dreaming to see this~!" Giggled a little girl voice I turn to where the girls voice was coming. It was young me! I was covered in a bit of dirt running fast doing somewhere in the lane were I look behind to see my cousin "Feng..." I muttered in a sad tone. I got up following little Feng and Little me where they were running, 'the beach?' I thought. "Isn't this fun, Feng?" Giggled little Ying rolling up her pants like shorts stepping into the salty sea that was covered up to her feet now "I-I don't know what if we get caught?" spoke Feng. Little Ying then huffed stepping out of the sea walking to him placing her to hands on Feng shoulders "It'll be okay, besides I already told Mother Hua we will be playing in the sea!" Little Ying smiled "Okay whatever you say" Feng sighed giving a smile back to her. "It's cold!!" Feng yelped feeling the sea now up to his knees "You such a baby cousin Feng, have some fun! Like this!" Little Ying then splashed water at him "HEY!!" Feng shouted now soaked in water "Hehe~!" "IM GONNA GET YOU BACK HA!" Feng grinned pushing little Ying in the sea, "Oof-" Little Ying said falling in the water now soaked in water aswell. "This is actually quite fun Ying!" Giggled Feng helping little Ying up "I told you!" Little me chuckled giving him a nudge on the arm. 'This is a nice...' I thought.

[Present time]

"Ying...Ying......YING!" "YEA?!" I quickly tried to get up but was covered in cobwebs but separated from Tang and Pigsy that were in cobwebs "THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" "You were asleep, do you have any use of calling ur little snake friend" "I can't" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T" "MY HANDS ARE COVERED IN WEBS PIGSY." I shouted back, it then went silent again until Tang spoke "You just had to go in there." "She said she had ingredients" Pigsy scoffed "Yea, no shit." I mumbled "I don't think that's what you were looking for. Pigsy." Tang continued, shaking his head "You tell him! No one likes a know-it-all" Shouted one of the cocoons "Know-it-all?" The second one spoke "Your the know-it-all!" "I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the three new suckers" the first cocoon corrected. "Hush....shh...babies, quiet time." A gentle voice joining in. I look above me, claws that form to be spider-like clawed their way out, revealing the woman before. But, she wasn't human She was a Spider Demon. Her appearance is different. Her loose black hair is kept inside in this spider like crown, her clothes now sharp in armor instead of her purpled ragged clothes. She grinned revealing her sharp canines that made both Tang and Pigsy shiver at the sight.

"The queen is back." She said dropping down onto the ground in front of Tang and Pigsy ,her metal claws clang to trap them between. Her form in person is
bigger, even bigger than Sandy. "What do you want? Money?" Pigsy stammered scared out of his wits, his mouth then got covered with spider webs. She then put her hands behind her back, leaning forward at them. "What could I want, huh?" She smiled and looked to the side until turning to them in anger. "I used to be the most feared creature in the land! I wasn't a Queen. I was the Oueen! Empress of terror and mistress of horror!" "But now? Well..." The Spider Queen gestured around her newfound home. "Just look at this place. Look what's left of my empire. Nothing but a hole in the ground. So what do you think the Spider Queen could possibly want?" She laid herself next to a scared Pigsy and chuckled. "Anyway, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," She sang, swinging herself back and forth in a
tiny dance. "And you lot.. will do." The Spider Queen slid herself away. Tang nervously chuckles. "Uh... do for what?" He asked with a worried smile. Spider Queen began to laugh, licking her lips. "Dinner," She laughs menacingly, pulling herself up with her webs as both Pigsy and Tang look at each other in fear "Except for you" she added now turning to me, "Huh..?" I spoke dumbfounded "Mhm~! You could be some use since your Mingzu successor" She hummed "Well great..." I mumbled 'this is going to be a while' I thought

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