○A Hero is born○ (Part 5)

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(Slight Cursing)


"Mk, your not delusional! And besides Mr Tang was being way over heels by calling you that, he was just being me-"


"What the fuc-"
(Ying POV)

I was cut off by the squeaky voice again which made me look down to see a butterfly talking "Yes yes! It is I, The Monkey Kin-" it was suddenly squished by Mk foot making me startled "Oh..." "Is it dead?" I poked the undead butterfly with my hand a gently scooped it up, "Really Mk?" "Okay, for the record, it caught me off guard. I would-" the butterfly then started glow making me and Mk so shocked on what it happening. It proceeded to change into various animals turning to a familiar figure. The Monkey King.

'Nęåṟḻÿ sçåred you aŋḏ thë bøÿ tó ḏēâth....' Hummed Mingzu "M-M-Monkey King?" "Yep! The one and only. So, where's my staff?" He spoke hands on his hips looking at Mk who had tears in his eyes. "IM SO SORRY! I TRIED TO BRING IT TO YOU BUT PRINCESS IRON FAM CAME AND TOOK IT. SHE GOT THIS GLOAVE AND,AND-!" Monkey King burst out into a laugh, "I know. I know. Look I'm gonna come clean um" He puts his hands to his side again "I've been kinda watching you two." "What? Wait, WHAT THAT WAS YOU ?!" Screamed Mk being interrupted again by Monkey King laughing but on his tail pointing a bamboo staff at him. "The look on your face, your perfect!" Me and Mk were confused on what he meant, "Perfect for what?" Mk questioned seeing that the Monkey King was scratching his back stopping realising you guys were there "To be my successor!" He announced crossing his arms. "Uhh, are you sure the Monkey King? You've been cooped up in here way too long. I think your brain went all mushed up." Mk said poking the Monkey King even pulling his cheeks, 'Seriously Mk..' I thought. He then grabbed Mk with his tail plopping him down next to me "Listen, Kid, you fought demons and you didn't die. And you made it here. Not just anyone can lift my staff. But you did. Oh! and you" He grabbed what looked like a bag of chips seeing his tail gesturing to me. "Hm?" "I'm a bit interested on how you got here aswell kid, without dying. Nobody would usually make it here without being eaten by the sharks or such." He sat up on a cloud he created from thin air and glided towards our side. He put some chips in his mouth "So? Care to explain, Kid?" "Well, It kinda has a bit with a reason with having the White Snake curse w-" "The White Snake Curse?" He questioned but now seeming to have a confused look, I nodded "Huh...weird, if I remember correctly that curse hasn't been placed onto anybody for a LONG time!" He said drastically taking another handful of chips munching onto it "Hate to be that person right now, but now is not the time to talk about my curse and how i got here.We got DBK to handle" "YEA! What about DBK?" Mk butted in "Pfft- what about DBK? You can handle it. Consider it a trial" He answered gliding away laying down.

"But we-" Mk sighed in frustration making The Monkey King pause taking a sigh hopping off the cloud walking up to us "Look Kid, You just gotta believe yourself. Even a little smidge makes all the difference. The staff was taken from you, take it back." Mk lit up and nodded with a confident smile.

(3rd POV)

A certain redhead appeared a sinister grin placed on his face, "So you wanna be heroes, huh? Let me show you what happens to heroes" he suddenly was now surrounded by fire by a chef pig pissed "I've had it up to here with these demon punks—" Mei puts her hand out in front of him "I'll handle this..." she said in a low scary tone, proceeding to use her powers but was stopped when someone flew over her making her look up to see a glimpse of Ying and Mk. Redson screamed getting run over by the jet. Once they landed the hatch opened "Seriously Mk, you could have letted me drive the jet" groaned Ying lifting up a dizzy Mk. "Kids!". Mei was speechless to see you guys, tears pricking her eyes running to her friends "Ying,Mk, Oh my goodness! We saw you guys blast into the fire. I thought you were all like 'phew! Ahhh' but you're not!" She said hugging them both tightly.

{A sight to behold} (LMK x Oc) (Redson x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now