✖︎ A night to remember ✖︎

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(TW: Cursing, blood)

[Ying POV]

I was in the living room with Mingzu which she was talking about the upgrades she did on my motorcycle "Oh! And if I remember, you wanted a outfit for the bike when your using it, right?" "Yea what about it?" I questioned "Well I may have did that without your help. Sorry little flower, I just wanted to surprise you with my idea of the style outfit" Mingzu chuckled "It's okay Mingzu, I'll check it out tonight since I'm going to hang out with Red." "Oh~? You never told me you were going on a date~?" Mingzu said in a teasing tone "I-ITS NOT A DATE! IT JUST ME AND RED HANGING OUT HAVING SOME FOOD WHILE AT IT!!" I shouted feeling my cheeks burning up "Exactly, it's a date~!" Mingzu chimed taking my hand to my room "Now what should you wear?" "I can just wear my clothes I wear mostly -.- " "Nope! Not on my watch, here wear this!" Mingzu smiled handing me a black long sleeved turtleneck shirt with black baggy pants and a long dark blue coat to go with it, the coat had a design of light blue and white vines on the end of the coat "Okay I'll go put this on." I sighed pushing Mingzu out of my room so I could get some privacy.

I finally finished getting dressed and checked my phone to see a notification from Red.


Hey Ying, Where are we gonna meet?

'Oh yea I didn't tell him where' i thought typing on back


Uh..we can meet up at the Arcade if you want


Okay. See you there

I shut off my phone and headed out to the living room grabbing my keys to my bike Mingzu left on the table "It's might be a little cold so here" Mingzu said now in front of me wrapping a red scarf around my neck "Did you really had to teleport to scare the shit out of me" I questioned a bit startled by the sudden teleporting, she giggled "Maybe, anyways off you go to your new motorbike and to your first date~!!" Mingzu chimed shoving me out of the apartment door "M-MINGZU!!" I shouted feeling my cheeks heat up again. 'Your lucky you fixed my bike unless I would have bashed this door open' I thought taking in a deep breath and heading to the garage that was next to the apartment block.

(At the garage block)

I lifted up the metal handle revealing the inside of the garage full of boxes piled in a corner probably filled with the other peoples stuff , the washing machine and dryer and finally my new improved bike!! I squealed looking at the features on the bike.

I lifted up the metal handle revealing the inside of the garage full of boxes piled in a corner probably filled with the other peoples stuff , the washing machine and dryer and finally my new improved bike!! I squealed looking at the features on t...

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(This is how it looks like now :) )

I noticed their was a little sticky note on the seat I picked it up a read it

'A little upgrade from yours truly Mingzu <3. - your mentor

I laughed at the little note and hopped on the bike plugging the key in the keyhole for it to start. Once it turned on it was definitely a HUGE upgrade Mingzu was right, a robotic voice then spoke from a square hologram that appeared in front of me 'welcome Ying ' was outlined in big text, the hologram then disappeared now with little pixels forming up my legs then up to my head(like what Mei bike dose). The pixels then went away now revealing me in my outfit and my helmet . "THIS IS AWESOME!!" I squealed looking at the design on my outfit then taking off my helmet to look at the design on it too.

"Alrighty TIME TO HAVE FUN!!" I said putting my helmet back on and driving off.

(632 words)


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